


impose tariffs on sth. 对什么加征关税
Ministry of Finance 财政部
tax refund 退税
deficit 赤字
Is China deliberately understating the size of its trade surplus?
high-tech industry 高科技产业
Chinese manufacturers 中国制造商
start-up(s) 创业/初创公司
entrepreneur 企业家
internal memo 内部备忘录
internship n. 实习生;(美)实习期;
an internship in surgery in New York.
China-bound investors 对中国的投资者
China-bound tourists 到中国的旅游者
China-bound exports
trade gap 贸易差额
upend relations between the world's two economic superpowers.
upend vt. 倒放,颠倒;竖立 [ʌpˈend] possible passage of an extradition law that undermines the
One Country, Two Systems model. 一国两制
extradition  [ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn] n. 引渡;亡命者送还本国。 引渡(逃犯)
rally against 集会抗议/反对
referendum [ˌrefəˈrendəm] n. 公民投票
Estonia said today it too plans to hold a referendum on independence. 爱沙尼亚今天称它也计划要就独立进行全民公决。
postpone vt. 使…延期
agree to postpone the law favoured by Beijing.
scare you away 把你吓跑
leave Hong Kong for Singapore 从香港跑到新加坡
Chinese judicial system 中国司法系统
currency peg 货币挂钩
Currency Basket Peg 钉住货币篮制度
trade frictions 贸易摩擦
speculate that Washington could conceivably remove its recognition of
Hong Kong's special commercial status with the United States.
house speaker 美众议院议长
imperil  [ɪmˈperəl] vt. 危及;使陷于危险
Senate President 参议院议长
Congress has no choice but to reassess whether Hong Kong is  ‘sufficiently autonomous’.
avowed adj. 公开宣布的;公开承认的;公然的
the highest elected official in Hong Kong 林郑月娥
One of the people in attendance 在场的人之一
firsthand information 第一手资料
infamous adj.  [ˈɪnfəməs] 声名狼藉的;无耻的;邪恶的;不名誉的
trumping up charges and forced televised confessions.
minimum wage 最低薪水
let's get started/let's get to work.
I am running for president. 我竞选总统
repeal. v.n.废除,撤销 propose the repeal of existing state laws.  repeal, or cancel, the law.
pentagon [ˈpentəɡən]n. 五角形,五角大楼

marines 海军陆战队  [mə'ri:ns]

9 /11 first responder 第一急救者
health bill医疗法案
nominee  [ˌnɒmɪˈniː] n. 被任命者;被提名的人
take on the big fights 承担,take on
enlist 入伍,使入伍,If someone enlist or is enlisted, they join the army, navy, marines, or air force
submarine 潜水艇,海底的,水下的
特朗普 is not behaveing like a patriot.
serve the interests of all Americans not just the rich and powerful.
justice and equality 正义和平等
strive vi. 努力;奋斗;抗争
If you strive to do something or strive for something, you make a great effort to do it or get it. 努力
if I' m elected president 如果我被选上总统。
reach your dreams. 实现你的梦想
Too many people in China are struggling.
sound like a gimmick  [ˈɡɪmɪk] n. 暗机关;骗人的玩意;花招
autoworker 汽车工人, 美国英语
encroach vi 蚕食,侵吞
high margin  [ˈmɑːdʒɪn] 高利润的
kick off (在足球比赛中) 开球; (使) (事件、比赛或讨论等)开始; 踢掉(鞋); 强使离开; 赶走;
Trump’s comments come as he met with Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson
kicking off Group of 7 meetings in the French seaside town of Biarritz.
ramification  [ˌræmɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] n.(众多复杂而又难以预料的) 结果,后果;
political ramification 政治影响
詹姆斯care more about selling sneakers in China than American values
sneaker 运动鞋
v. 偷偷地走; 溜; 偷偷地做; 偷带; 偷拿; 偷走(不重要的或小的东西);
n. 打小报告的人,告状者(尤指儿童);
adj. 突然的; 出其不意的;
slipper 拖鞋
Image result for SLIPPERcrucify
v. 把(某人)钉(或捆)在木十字架上处死; 严厉批评; 严惩; 折磨;
crucify 詹姆斯 over controverisial comments about China

He orders crackdown in captial city.
n. 严厉的打击; 镇压;

SEC Probes Listings of Slack, Other Unicorns on NYSE
SEC = U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 美国证券交易委员会
probe 调查 listing of Slack Slack公司的上市 Unicorn 独角兽

container terminal [水运] 集装箱码头;货柜码头
seaport 海港,港口
maritime company  [ˈmærɪtaɪm] 航运公司
state enterprise 国有企业 State-owned enterprise
Small and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业
fascist n. 法西斯主义者 adj. 法西斯主义的,法西斯分子的
upstream and downstream 上下游
compound annual growth rate 复合年增长率
technical reserves 技术储备
kernel technology 内核技术
work force / labor force 劳动力




Blue chip shares/stocks 蓝筹股
stock market 股市
broker 证券经纪人
dealer 商人
trader 交易者
shareholder 股东 Investor 投资者
bear market  [beə(r)] 熊市  bull market  牛市 bullish 牛市的
bears 卖空的证券交易投机,俗称空头/ bulls 多投
The Big Short 大空头(电影)
lose ground 失去优势 retreat or lose one's advantage during a conflict or competition. / regain lost ground 恢复优势
rally v.n 止跌回升
recover (股市的)恢复
active trading 交易活跃
moderate trading 交易适度
change hands (股票)易手,交易成功
turnover  营业额,成交量,证券交易额
financial holding conglomerate  金融控股集团

dull / lacklustre /light /negligible /queit /slow / sluggish / thin/ weak

bumpy / choppy/  hesitant / uncertain

choppy [ˈtʃɒpi] 波浪起伏的; 不平静的;
choppy sea/ bumpy road
going up
Advance / Increase / rise

going down
decline/ drop / fall / retreat / slide

going up by small or moderate amounts
edge higher / edge up / firm

going up by large amounts
climb(higher) / jump / leap / roar ahead / roar up /rocket /shoot up /skyrocket
/ soar /surye

going down by small or moderate amounts
dip /drift(lower) /ease /edge down /edge lower /slip(lower)

going down by large amounts
dive /nosedive /plunge /plummet /tumble

going down fast by very large amounts
crash /collapse /crumble /slump

high 高峰,高水准
all-time high 打破新记录,创造历史最高点
record high 打破新记录,创造历史最高点
collapse (价格等)暴跌
crash 崩溃、垮台、失败
free fall (跳伞等)自由降落,惯性运动
low 低水平,低数字,低点
all-time low (股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值
record low (股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值
meltdown 熔化,熔毁,变卖(财产)

boom (商业等)景气、繁荣;(股票价格)激增,暴涨
growth (经济)发展,增长
downturn 下降趋势,向下,下转
turn down 向下转折,下降
slowdown 减速,减退,衰退
slow down 减速减退,衰退
weaken 削弱,减弱,变衰弱
recession 猛落,暴跌,工商业的衰退(经济增长小,停步不前,甚至出现负增长)
slump (物价,贸易活动等的)普跌,暴跌,不景气

recover 复原,恢复以前的繁荣
pick up 加速,经济好转
turn up加速,经济好转
pick-up 经济回转,复苏

depression “recession经济衰退”严重化,出现的商业萧条期
Depression 特指1929年华尔街大崩溃后出现的经济大萧条


mull   [mʌl] v. 长时间考虑; 仔细考虑;
fare-dodger 不买票的乘客,混乘(车船)者;
fare [feə(r)] 公共交通费
dodger  [ˈdɒdʒə(r)]逃避者; 回避者; 躲避者;
anonymity  [ˌænəˈnɪməti]  n. 匿名; 不知姓名; 名字不公开; 无特色; 无个性特征;
trilingual adj. 三种语言的 [traɪˈlɪŋɡwəl] Make Brussels teenagers trilingual by the age of 18 使布鲁塞尔的青少年在18岁之前会说三种语言
阅读来源STIB mulls anonymity for ticket inspectors after fare-dodger attack
curved surface 曲面
notwithstanding  prep. 虽然; 尽管; adv. 尽管如此;
hack  砍
Image result for hack wood slash 砍,割
Image result for slash wristsa wrist slash  [rɪst] 割腕
backlash n. 反冲;强烈抵制 vt. 强烈反对;发生后冲
suicide bombing 自杀炸弹爆炸
Image result for suicide bombingfootage (描述某一事件的) 片段镜头
rocky road 崎岖之路
Image result for rocky roadatypical [ˌeɪˈtɪpɪkl] adj. 非典型的;不合规则的

① 加在单词或词根前面,表示”不,无,非”
amoral 非道德性的(a+moral道德的;注意:immoral不道德的)
apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political政治的)
anemia 反常的(a+nomal正常的+ous)
② 加在单词前,表示"在…,…的"
asleep 睡着的(a+sleep睡觉)
aside 在边上(a+side旁边)
ahead 在前地(a+head头)
alive 活的(a+live活)
awash .泛滥的(a+wash冲洗)

ameliorate [əˈmiːliəreɪt] vt. 改善;减轻(痛苦等);改良 vi. 变得更好
coarse-grained ['kɔ:sɡreind] adj. 粗鲁的;木纹粗糙的;粗略的,大概的
Coarse grained white pebble stones 粗粒白色卵石  [ˈpebl] Image result for coarse-grained

out of commission 损坏的;退役的;不能使用的



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