the countdown in the hours leading up to midnight国外媒体视频
China Tech Giants
How Xiaomi broke out of China to go global

meteoric [ˌmiːtiˈɒrɪk] adj. 大气的;流星的;疾速的
Xiaomi's rise has been meteoric. 快速成功的
fortune global 500 世界财富五百强
tech giant 科技巨人
voice assistant 语音助理
walkie talkie 对讲机,携带式无线电话机
company orientation 公司概况介绍
brand-new 崭新的
sell it at a premium price 高价卖出 affordable price
Lei Jun's vision 雷军的梦想
flash sale 限时抢购
hype n. 大肆宣传;皮下注射
retail outlet 零售商店;零售门路 [ˈaʊtlet]
set apart from 使分离 (set us apart from others 使我们在众多……中独树一帜)
launch event 发布会
meet-up(s) 见面会
gadget [ˈɡædʒɪt] 小工具
geek 极客
trademark 商标
era's peak winds down 时代的巅峰即将结束 [ˈerə]
those plans seems to be on hold. on hold 暂停;尚未办理的事情
scrutinize [ˈskruːtənaɪz] vi. 细阅;作详细检查 vt. 详细检查;细看 n. 仔细或彻底检查
trail behind [treɪl bɪˈhaɪnd] 比分落后
smart rice cooker 智能电饭煲 air purifier 空气净化器
innovative spirit 创新精神
anybody's guess 难以预料;谁也猜不准的事情
What is Xiaomi?
breadth [bredθ] 宽度,广度
foe [fəʊ] n. 敌人;反对者;危害物 a foe for APPLE
overhead cost 间接费用,间接成本 , 指与产品不发生直接关系的成本.
the success was short-lived 成功是短暂的
video streaming 视频流
phoenix n. 凤凰;死而复生的人 [ˈfiːnɪks]
brick-and-mortar [,braikənd'mɔ:tə] adj. (有)实体的;砖瓦加水泥(常用来比喻传统企业)
get into the brick-and-mortar game
top-selling smartphone 最佳销量的手机
headphone 头戴耳机 VR headset
kitchenware [ˈkɪtʃɪnweə(r)] n. 厨房用具
a net worth of 净资产有
angel investor 天使投资人
pump up their fans for new products 刺激粉丝买新产品
ho-hum performance 乏味的表现
be headlined by 以...为标题(The article was headlined "Tell us the truth."该文章题为“告诉我们真相。”)
What is Huawei?

bank fraud 诈骗银行行为
in the eye of a geopolitical storm 在地缘政治风暴的风暴眼中
the Chinese People's Liberation Army 中国人民解放军
back then 那时候 当时
scrappy [ˈskræpi] 计划不周的; 散乱的
upstart n. 暴发户;自命不凡的人;傲慢自负的人(scrappy upstart)
telephone switch 电话接线器
millennium [mɪˈleniəm] 千禧年
amid its all commercial success
be dogged by 被……缠住;被……困扰;受到某事的负面影响(break laws for profit)
sue the Chinese company for infringing on numerous patents 控告中国公司侵犯专利
infringe vt. 侵犯;违反;破坏 vi. 侵犯;侵害
drop a lawsuit 撤销诉讼
conglomerate [kənˈɡlɒmərət] n. 企业集团
the world's second-largest media conglomerate. …世界第二大传媒集团
maliciously [məˈlɪʃəsli] adv. 有敌意地,恶意地
Still, experts have been skeptical about the assurance,s pointing to Chinese laws that allegedly mean that every domestic company is legeally mandated to assist the country in intelligence gathering.
allegedly adv. 依其申述;据说,据称
mandated [ˈmændeɪtɪd] adj. (国家)被托管的,委托统治的;依法的;获得授权的
intelligence gathering 情报搜集
mandatory [ˈmændətɔːri] adj. 强制的;托管的;命令的
another point of contention 另一个争论的焦点
unfettered [ʌnˈfetəd] adj. 无拘无束的;被除去脚镣的
it was politically motivated and a part of large witch hunt against Chinese companies.
witch hunt 政治迫害
obstruct justice 妨碍司法
it's eager to slash its dependence on intel.
slash 大幅减少
patent royalty 专利权使用费
still be a major blow 仍是一个重大打击
patent key technologies 关键技术得到了专利
The invention has been patented by the university. 那项发明已经由那所大学获取了专利。
in a bid to 为了…
media outlets 媒体机构/渠道/出口
lash out at Huawei 猛烈抨击
roll out 推出(新产品,服务等) 实行(新制度)
slow 5G's roll out 减慢5G的发展速度
put a price on 给某物定价
push back 反击
make headlines 成为头条新闻;得到宣扬
Inside Chinese tech giant Tencent's vertical campus / What is Tencent?

instant messaging platform 即时通讯平台
futuristic adj. 未来派的;未来主义的 [ˌfjuːtʃəˈrɪstɪk]
It's kind of feels like I'm in a science fiction movie. 感觉自己身处科幻电影中
the vans pull up into the basement of the building.
pull up 缓慢停车
van 厢式货车 [væn]
garden terrace [ˈterəs] 花园露台,庭园露台
lounge [laʊndʒ] 休息室
valuable company 有价值的公司
fast forward to today 而如今,时隔至今
with many subsidiaries [səb'sɪdɪərɪz] n. 子公司;下属公司(subsidiary的复数)
The company's stock is up more than 11000 % percent since it went public in 2004 on HK stock exchange.
internet cafe 网吧 [kæˈfeɪ]
go public 上市
stock exchange 证券交易所
people first beame acquainted with the Internet with smartphone. 首次接触/了解
foray [ˈfɒreɪ] n. 涉足
portal [ˈpɔːtl] n. 大门,入口
news portal 新闻门户(网站)
Activision Blizzard 动视暴雪 Electronic Arts 电子艺界公司
tech juggernaut [ˈdʒʌɡərnɔːt] 世界主宰科技巨头
asteroid mining 行星矿业 [ˈæstərɔɪd]
King of Glory 王者荣耀
Malaysia [məˈleɪʒə] 马来西亚
put it head-to-head with 与...正面交锋
big name 知名人士;众所周知的事情
custom app 定制的应用
Alibaba's Hema grocery stores are changing retail
new retail concept store 新零售概念商店
titan [ˈtaɪtn] n. 巨人;提坦;太阳神
tech titan 科技巨人
offline retail 线下零售
three pillars to its strategy
printout n. [计] 打印输出;打印出的资料
she was fulfilling an online order. 执行订单
conveyor belt 传送带 [kənˈveɪə(r)]
sample station 样品站
see firsthand their seafood 直接地看到他们的海鲜产品
picke two items cashier/self-checkout
consumers swipe their phone in front of the scanner. 顾客把手机在扫描仪前面挥一下
electronic kiosk [ˈkiːɒsk] 自动点餐机(这个视频里面省略了electronic)
Alibaba leveraged its existing technology from the e-commerce automated warehouse to power these new robot restaurants.
leverage 利用 obsolete [ˈɒbsəliːt] adj. 废弃的;老式的
automated warehouse 物流自动仓库 [ˈweəhaʊs]
TikTok's Owner Is Taking Over the World

millennial [mɪˈleniəl] 人口统计学家用来描述出生于1980到2000年的一代年轻人,媒体形容他们为“Y世代”
short-form videos 短视频
a lofty 75 billion valuation 高达750亿美金的价值
lofty [ˈlɒfti] adj. 高的;崇高的;高级的;高傲的
Lofty ideal 崇高的理想 ; 豪壮的志愿 ; 伟大的志向 ; 远大理想
internet titan 网络巨人
is pushing to be a internet titan 努力成为网络巨人
following 支持者 (a significant following)
prove them wrong 证明他们是错的
karaoke [ˌkæriˈəʊki] 卡拉OK
signature 名词,明显特征 a distinguishing style [ˈsɪɡnətʃər]
the company has evolved into a multifaceted empire. 这个公司已经进化成一个包罗万象的帝国
multifaceted [ˌmʌltiˈfæsɪtɪd] adj. 多层面的,包罗万象的,要从多方面考虑的;多刻面的
spanning about a dozen products 包含大约十种产品
you just keep scrolling, and you see the next video. 你只是不断翻页,然后看下一个视频
Artificial intelligence targeting 人工智能瞄准
news aggregation app 新闻汇总的APP
feed (计算机的)订阅源 (personalized news feeds)
a flurry of 一阵风 一阵(一般是指急促发生的事情)
After a flurry of copyright lawsuits from newspapers,
revenue sharing 收入分成
keep its momentum while facing intense competition from local and international players.
keep its momentum 保持势头
regulatory issue [ˈreɡjələtɔːri] 监管问题
bread-and-butter 生计; 主要经济来源
Out-of-state visitors are our bread and butter. 外省游客是我们的主要经济来源。
settle a claim 解决索赔 ; 理赔
How TikTok took the world by storm
take the world by storm 风靡全球
launch the app 启动应用
under the name DOUYIN 名叫“抖音”
under the name of 以…的名义
lip-syncing 对嘴 [ˈsɪŋkɪŋ]
catch up to 赶上
monetize its growing user base 利用用户赚钱
content creator 内容创作者
hashtag 标签
debut [deɪˈbjuː] n. 初次登台;开张 vi. 初次登台
stagnant 停滞的;不景气的;污浊的;迟钝的
when you feel stuck or trapped 当您感觉陷入某种困境时
entertaining video 娱乐的视频
cringe-worthy (节目、表演)令人感到尷尬的,令人不舒服的;令人生厌的[krɪndʒ]
downright bizarre 彻头彻尾的诡异
bizarre [bɪˈzɑː(r)] adj. 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)
viral 病毒性的 (viral hashtag)
draw a crowd 吸引住一堆人群
curate 组织(展览,节目演出)
viable [ˈvaɪəbl] 可实施的; 切实可行的; 能独立发展的; 能独立生存的; 可生长发育的;
swipe your card 刷卡
is reliant on 依赖于/依靠于
serve you the videos it thinks you'll like. (serve you food 给你提供食物)
pornography 色情作品 [pɔːˈnɒɡrəfi]
blasphemy n. 亵渎神明;轻视上帝或神祗 [ˈblæsfəmi]
reversal n. 逆转;[摄] 反转;[法] 撤销
the app's audience appears niche (有特定的要求、顾客群和产品的) 专营市场 [商业]
be reckoned with 被加以考虑
What is Baidu?

It commands around 70 % of China's internet searchs.
command 控制掌握的意思,不是命令的意思
literal meaning 字面意义
given the sheer volume of China's population 考虑到中国巨大的人口数量
sheer [ʃɪə(r)] adj. 绝对的;透明的;峻峭的;纯粹的 adv. 完全;陡峭地
sheer volume 巨大的 (750 mL)
in a completely sheer dress 穿着几乎透明的裙子(达达里奥)
Sheer mountain cliff with slope on one side 陡峭的悬崖和一边的坡
baidu Encyclopedia 百度百科[ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə]
iQiyi, dubbed (as) the Netflix of China 被称为 [dʌb]
google adwords 谷歌关键词广告
a pay-per-click platform 每次点击付费平台
is subject to China's strict online censorship 受到中国严格的网络监管的影响
rectify the situation 纠正这样的情况 [ˈrektɪfaɪ]
a lot of room to grow 空间
Seattle [si'ætl] 西雅图
it's partnering with Microsoft 和微软合作
scale its AI outside of China; if it can pull that off
Inside Baidu's high tech headquarters in Beijing
I'm definitely holding up the line now. 我肯定在堵塞这条排队的线
这里hold up the line的用法purr老师也讲过
face filter 脸部滤镜
casual dress code 随意的着装要求
seamless [ˈsiːmləs] adj. 无缝的;无缝合线的;无伤痕的
Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe 无缝钢管
vending machine 自动售卖机
amenity [əˈmiːnəti] 便利设施
recreation center 娱乐中心
fitness studio 健身房
kickboxing 跆拳道
at the wheel 在驾驶;掌舵;指挥
a human is at the wheel just in case.
green light 允许进行 to permit (a project, etc) to proceed
We went inside Alibaba’s global headquarters

market capitalization (股票等的)市值
span from fintech to film 金融科技(financial technology)
Alibaba is piloting various retail technologies. 阿里巴巴在试用各种各样的零售技术
robot butler n. 男管家;仆役长 [ˈbʌtlə(r)]
have your hands full 忙得不可开交了
come in handy 派上用场
join the likes of 加入XXX的行列
get around 到处走走
employee orientation 雇员上岗引导
newbie [ˈnuːbi] 新手
hire 新雇员
pendant [ˈpendənt] 坠饰; 挂件
muffin [ˈmʌfɪn] 英格兰松饼chip aways at its market dominance 丢失主导
chip aways at 一点点地除掉
pay homage to 向…表示敬意 [ˈhɑːmɪdʒ,oʊˈmɑːʒ]敬辞; 表示敬意的举动;
mascot n. 吉祥物 [ˈmæskət]
hippo [ˈhɪpəʊ] 河马
martial arts 武术 [ˈmɑːʃl]
impart knowledge and wisdom 传授知识和智慧
fast forward 使快进; 快进
salute game changers [səˈluːt] 向改变游戏的人致敬
unsurprisingly adv. 不出所料的;不出奇的;意料中的
IPO 首次公开募股 (Initial Public Offerings)
Why Alibaba Gave Up On U.S. Consumers

earnings report 损益报表
following(拥护者,追随者) despite its enormous Chinese following
raise money 募集资金
as a point of reference 作为参考
dip its toe into America's consumer market. 涉足,尝试性地进入
traction [ˈtrækʃn] n. 牵引;[机][车辆] 牵引力
As far as 阿里巴巴's concerned
then 当时的 then president-elect Trump
cranberry [ˈkrænbəri] 越橘,小红莓(用于烹饪)
articulate 明确有力地表达 [ɑːˈtɪkjuleɪt]
articulate that strategy 表达这个策略
back out of the promise 收回(诺言等)
on the premise of 在……的前提下
on the premise of friendly US-China partnership
compete with the likes of Amazone and Ebay.
like 名词,类似或同类的人或物
step down from (his role as chairman) 从……下来; 放弃;下台
starbucks reserve roastery 星巴克咖啡烘焙工坊
augmented reality (experiences powered by alibaba's technology) 增强现实
merchandise n. 商品;货物 [ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪs]
under fire 受到严厉批评;遭到攻击
counterfeit goods 假冒的商品
pirated goods 盗版的商品 ['paɪrətid]
grasp how influential Alibaba is in China 理解
humongous 极大的; 举足轻重的 [非正式]
realm [relm] n. 领域,范围;王国 the tech giant's realm covers
cloud computing 云计算
logistic services 物流服务
a very exciting proposition [ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃn] 一项激动人心的事情(proposition 强调困难或者有趣高兴激动的事情)
Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition. 轻轻松松地赚钱一直是令人向往的事。
lucrative [ˈluːkrətɪv] adj. 获利多的
That's priority number one. 这是首要任务
Indonesia [ˌɪndəˈniːziə] 印度尼西亚
China's Political/Economy Conflicts
What would a U.S.-China trade war look like?

on the brink of 在......的边缘 [brɪŋk]
on the brink of a trade war
follow through 坚持到底;自始至终完成工作(follow through on his promise to tax China's goods)
一万元 worth of goods 价值一万元的商品
total vt. 总数达
He is so annoyed with China 他对中国很生气
on the campaign trail [treɪl] 竞选活动演说
badly hurt Chinese companies
volley (炮火的) 齐发 [ˈvɒli]
retaliatory tariffs 报复性关税 [rɪˈtæliətri]
carrier 客运航空公司
Air China 中国航空公司
protectionist actions 保护主义行动
spark a trade war 激发/引发贸易战
Tilly’s going to have an upset stomach蒂莉肯定会闹肚子的
entire globe 全球
How India And China Broke Out From The BRICs

status quo n. 现状[ˈsteɪtəs,ˈstætəs] ['kwəʊ](challenge the status quo)
Wall Street 华尔街
BRICs 金砖五国
a tariff spat [spæt] 口角
coin 创造(新词,短语)
the term was coined by Goldman Sachs chief economist. 金砖五国这个词是由高盛首席经济学家创造的
global governance 全球治理
equate to 等同于
marketing ploy 市场营销策略
eurozone ['jʊərə(ʊ)zəʊn] n. 欧元区
Russian default 俄罗斯违约
default n. 违约,拖欠;系统默认值
devaluation n. 货币贬值
emerging market 新兴市场
Everyone wanted a piece of pie. 每个人都想分一杯羹
dire [ˈdaɪər] adj. 可怕的;悲惨的;极端的 dire predictions
花街 is in panic mode. 处在恐慌之中
HSBC 汇丰银行(Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation)
quantitative easing 量化宽松 (QE)
(a) massive stimulus 大规模的经济刺激计划 [ˈstɪmjələs]
rising commodity prices 物价上涨
suppress rising commodity prices 就是“抑制物价上涨”的意思
keep afloat (1) 漂浮不沈(2) 不致负债,能维持下去,afloat有在经济上得以维系的意思
think about tightening monetary policy 考虑紧缩货币政策 [ˈmʌnɪtri]
US Treasuries 美国国债
risky assets 风险资产
current account 经常帐
current account surplus 国际收支经常项目顺差
internal turmoil 内乱 [ˈtɜːmɔɪl]
annexation of Crimea 吞并克里米亚
annexation [ˌænekˈseɪʃn] n. 合并;附加物
culminate [ˈkʌlmɪneɪt] in 达到顶点;以…告终
debt fueled growth of economy 债务推动的经济增长
equity market 指产权投资市场,也叫股权市场 [ˈekwəti]
stock market 指股票市场,也称证券市场或证券交易所
roller coaster 过山车
BRICs acronym [ˈækrənɪm] 首字母缩略词
snappy 生气勃勃的 [ˈsnæpi]
website snapshot 网页快照
金砖国家 concept has died down a bit 逐渐消失
新兴市场should be reckoned with. 被加以考虑
Southeast Asia 东南亚
intriguingly [ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋli] 有趣地;有魅力地
Nigeria [nai'dʒiəriə] 尼日利亚 (chaotic and problematic)
staggering demographic 惊人的人口结构
staggering [ˈstæɡərɪŋ] adj. 惊人的,令人震惊的
demographic [ˌdeməˈɡræfɪk]人口统计数据/特定年龄段的人口 [商业]
Demographic Dividend 人口红利
dividend [ˈdɪvɪdend] 股息
Who owns the South China Sea?

territorial dispute 领土争端
China claims nearly all of the South China sea. 中国认为几乎所有的南海都是自己的
China is a greedy pig.
a greedy pig 贪得无厌的人
double down on that claim. 双倍下注;加把劲做某事
a massive shipping passage 一个巨大的航运通道
cruise through South China Sea 巡航 [kruːz]
were planning to go on a world cruise 正计划进行一次环球海上航游
maritime trade 海上贸易 [ˈmærɪtaɪm]
oil and natural gas石油和天然气
11 billion barrels of oil [ˈbærəl] 100亿桶石油
cubic feet 立方英尺(cubic meter 立方米)
one of the most disputed places in the planet 地球上最有争端的地方
exclusive economic zone 专属经济区
nautical mile n. 海里(合1.852公里)
nautical [ˈnɔːtɪkl] 航海的
the nine-dash line 九段线
contested waters 争议水域
contest n. 比赛,竞赛;(控制权或权力的)争夺;争论,争辩,争执
international tribunal 国际法庭
tribunal [traɪˈbjuːnl] 特别法庭
ruling n. 裁决
artificial islands and bases 人造岛屿和基地
step up its presence 增加
Are China and the US doomed to conflict? | Kevin Rudd
a non-English speaking / non-western / non-liberal democratic country (从乔治三世以来的,非这些的国家经济体量最大)
bloke 家伙;小子 [bləʊk]
mego-change 巨大的变化 mego-challenge
mego- ['meɡə] 前缀,巨大 mego-arduino board

China and the US forge a common future together. 中美携手共创未来
forge v. 锻造,铸造;缔造,艰苦做成;伪造;稳步前进,匀速移动 n. 锻铁炉,锻造车间,锻造厂;铁匠铺;伪造者
horseshoe 马蹄铁 (形容会议桌子的形状) [ˈhɔːsʃuː] That sounds clumsy/odd 笨拙的; 不得当的/奇怪的
a herd of 一群(牛、鹿等)
it was one of a herd of dairy cattle [ˈdeəri] [ˈkætl] dairy cattle 奶牛
Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂
woodchuck [ˈwʊdtʃʌk] 土拨鼠
render 使....成为... render it worthless 使它毫无价值
I rendered it as follows 此处的意思是“翻译”
peals of unrestrained laughter 一长串无拘无束的大笑
were now experience fantastic orgasm [ˈɔːɡæzəm] n. [生理] 性高潮;极度兴奋
Greek 希腊人[ɡriːk] Athens [ˈæθɪnz] and Sparta ['spa:tə] 斯巴达
Thucydides trap 修昔底德陷阱,war betwenn rising powers and established great powers
The Art of War 孙子兵法
core question 核心问题 what the precedents are ? 先例
As economic integration and globalization quickens , the mode of enterprise operation keeps changing. 随着经济一体化和全球化进程的加快,企业的作业方式不断地发生变化。
economic integration and globalization 经济一体化和全球化
sobering reflection from history 来自历史清醒的思考 [ˈsəʊbə(r)] Opium War 鸦片战争[ˈəʊpiəm]也叫Anglo-Chinese War [ˈæŋɡləʊ]盎格鲁
the western powers carved China up into littel pieces.
U.S. allies [ˈæ,laɪz] strategic partnership 战略伙伴关系
collective west 西方集团
periphery 外围 [pəˈrɪfəri]

it's not just the sound of one hand clapping. 不是一个手拍掌的声音
boot the US out 把美国赶走 boot out 撵走;逐出
unilaterally [ˌjuːnɪˈlætrəli] 单方面地
fine and dandy [faɪn ənd ˈdændi]令人满意的;十全十美的;很好
deep-rooted feelings and emotions 内心深处的感觉和情感
thought pattern 思维模式
Be constructive in ares of the bilateral, regional and gobal engagement. 在双边、区域以及全球对话上要有建设性。
strike out 开辟新路
deliverable 可以传送的,可以交付使用的
indigenous peoples 原住民 [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs]
day of reckoning n. 结账日;最后审判日 Now comes the day of reckoning. 现在,最后审判日来了。
unbridled abuse 肆无忌惮的虐待 [ʌnˈbraɪdld] we white folks 我们白种人
rip away 剥开… 揭开… 除去… rip one's mask away 撕下某人的假面具
(they were ripped away from their parents.)
redneck 乡下人;红脖子(指美国南方保守的露天劳动者)
gingerly 小心翼翼地
milkshake 奶昔(牛奶、水果、冰块的混合物)
summitry [ˈsʌmɪtri] 峰会外交
take a leap of faith 信心剧增
Legend of the two systems李世默TED演讲
great leap forward 大跃进
farmland quasi-privitazation 农田准私有化
the Cultural Revolution 文化大革命
at the height of 在…顶点;在…的顶峰或鼎盛时期 [haɪt]
linear progression 线性发展
primitive society / slave society /feudalism / capitalism /socialism /communism
day in and day out 夜以继日,天天
metanarrative 元叙述
illusion n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰
singular 单一的
Christian 基督徒[ˈkrɪstʃən] Muslim 穆斯林 confucian [kənˈfjuːʃən] 儒家
ever after 从此之后
sooner or later 迟早,早晚
electoral democracy 选举民主制 [ɪˈlektərəl] tyranny [ˈtɪrəni] 专制暴政 The US wants to end tyranny in the world.
destined for/to doom [ˈdestɪnd] [duːm] 注定要毁灭
my business is growing by leaps and bounds (leaps and bounds 跳跃;飞速地)
Western elites tirelessly trotted around the globe selling this prospectus. 兜售良方
trot [trɒt] 小跑 prospectus [prəˈspektəs] n. (学校的)简章;(企业的)招股章
long-suffering developing countries
salvation n. 拯救;救助 [sælˈveɪʃn] amount to 相当于,总计为
We were rationed to two eggs a day. 每天配给我们两个鸡蛋。 [ˈræʃn]
China is a one-party state run by the Chinese Communist Party.
illegitimate [ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət] 私生的;非法的;不合理的
in rather dramatic fashions 以相当戏剧化的方式
institutionally 从制度上
mandatory retirement 强制性退休
term limits 任期制度
politburo [ˈpɒlɪtbjʊərəʊ] n. (共产党中央委员会的)政治局;类似政治局的决策控制机构
Leaders used to retain their positions for life. 领导人终身制
in dire need (of)迫切需要
perpetuate their rules 使他们的规则一直延续(长存)
dysfunction [dɪsˈfʌŋkʃn] n. 功能紊乱;机能障碍;官能不良 vi. 功能失调;出现机能障碍;垮掉
get enacted 使生效
correct the immunity dysfunction 纠正免疫失调
counterintuitive [ˌkaʊntərɪnˈtuːɪtɪv] 违反直觉的
rhetorical trap [rɪˈtɒrɪkl] 修辞上的陷阱
I would venture to suggest 我敢说
meritocratic political institution 精英政治机构 [ˌmerɪtəˈkrætɪk] ruling elites 统治精英
successor [səkˈsesər] 继承者
in upward mobility 上进心;向上倾向;向上晋升
karate kid [kəˈrɑːti] 空手道小孩(电影名字)

[suːˈpɪriər] 上级/同事/下属[səˈbɔːrdɪnət] vet [vet] (尤指将要从事军事或政治机密的工作人员) 受审查. 兽医
officialdom 官场 [əˈfɪʃldəm] patronage n. 赞助 [ˈpeɪtrənɪdʒ]
put-down n. (非正式)令人难堪的话,羞辱的话
universal suffrage 普选权 [ˈsʌfrɪdʒ]
civil war 内战
be mired in 陷入困境
life expectancy 平均期望寿命
industrial powerhouse 工业大国
given the government’s dismal performance 鉴于政府在过去四年里令人担忧的表现[ˈdɪzməl] perpetual [pəˈpetʃuəl] adj. 永久的;不断的;四季开花的;无期限的
Perpetual motion 永动机 Perpetual cycle 无限循环
perpetual cycle of elect and regret

hunky-dory 了不起的
mind-boggling 令人难以置信的 mind-boggling pollution/bulidings/statistics
better off 更好 we are better off than five years ago; we would be better off without it
whopping 巨大的
do away with 废除, 消除; 终结 (第二次出现)
tell you otherwise 告诉你不同的看法
civil strife 国内冲突,内乱 [straɪf] 冲突,内乱,不和
wrench n. 扳手,扳钳;扭伤;痛苦;歪曲;猛扭
wrenching changes 痛苦的变化,艰难的转变
wrenching question 纠结的问题
panacea [ˌpænəˈsiːə](解决问题的)灵丹妙药,万能药
venture capitalist 风险资本家
make a indictment of democracy 谴责民主
indictment n. 起诉书;控告 [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt] hubris [ˈhjuːbrɪs] 傲慢,狂妄自大 等于arrogance
supplant [səˈplɑːnt] vt. 代替;排挤掉,取代
draw to a close 临近尾声
brand-new 最近获得的; 崭新的
laudable [ˈlɔːdəbl] 值得赞赏的
dogmatic [dɔːɡˈmætɪk] adj. 教条的;武断的 ; 自以为是的
let unviersality make way for plurality 让世界给多元模式生存的空间吧
unrest 骚乱
China Tech/Development/Market
The rise of the Chinese smartphone
smartphone enthusiast 智能手机爱好者
enthusiast [ɪnˈθjuːziæst] n. 爱好者,热心家;热烈支持者;狂热者,基督教狂热分子
supply chain 供应链
back in 2013 回到2013年
note 7 exploding battery scandal note7炸机丑闻
take the lead v. 带头;为首
Europeans should take the lead. 欧洲应该带头
end-to-end adj. 端对端的,首尾相连的 adv. 端对端地,首尾相连地
driveless car 无人驾驶汽车(还可以表达为Self-driving car或者autonomous car)
battleground n. 战场
Chinese tech is going global

Costa Rica [ˌkɒstə ˈriːkə] 哥斯达黎加
managing partner 管理合伙人
The Chinese know up and down most of the major U.S. tech companies. 上上下下
content sharing platform 内容分享平台
Chinese market is protectionist. adj. 贸易保护主义的
sign up 注册
tax break 减税
global portfolio 全球资产组合
gobble up 狼吞虎咽;贪婪地抓住
ride-hailing 打车服务 [heɪl]
at the tip of the spear 锋芒毕露
emerging market 新兴市场
battle-tested 久经沙场的
What is Singles Day?

Cyber Monday 网络星期一
Black Friday 黑色星期五
Singles day 单身节日
24-hour shopping event 24小时购物活动
break down 分解
countdown [ˈkaʊntdaʊn] n. 倒数计秒
the countdown in the hours leading up to midnight (逐渐引到 (某一个话题))
catapult [ˈkætəpʌlt] 石弩 v. 猛投;用弹弓射,用弹射器发射;
handle 2000000 transactions 处理交易
live stream n. 现场直播/直播流媒体 [ˈlaɪv striːm]
put on shows (to attract more visitors) 进行表演来吸引更多的游客
frenzy [ˈfrenzi] n. 狂怒,暴怒,狂暴 v. 使发狂,使狂怒
shark frenzy
partially-owned by Tecent 部分属于腾讯
join the trend 加入趋势
so hyped up about buying the house 对买这所房子感到紧张兴奋
propel its rapid growth [prəˈpel] 刺激快速增长
China's rise in artificial intelligence

fuel vt. 给……提供燃料;刺激,煽动;推动 In the age of AI
AI is fueling these technologies. AI整推动这些技术(的发展)
market capitalization (股票等的)市值
be fed by 由……喂养/提供 (Some people think intelligence is fed by reading. 一些人认为读书增长才智。)
standing 名声; 地位
reach a symbolic moment 到达一个有象征意义的时刻
a wake up call 警讯 ; 敲响警钟 ; 叫醒服务 ; 警钟
go 围棋
the ruling party 执政党
amass vt. 积聚,积累
flat out v. 竭尽全力;用全速;
parent company 母公司
Made in China 2025 中国制造2025
the plan is broken (up) into 3 benchmarks
a keynote address 主题演讲
mobile-first 移动先行
boil down to (several main factors) 归结为几个主要原因
restrictive privacy laws 严格的隐私法律
not to mention, 更不用说
川普put out a sign in our front yard that says "get off my lawn"
get an advanced degree 获得高级学位(硕士及以上)
pushing those people away is sheer madness 极其的,完全的
Neodymium Is In Demand And China Controls Its Supply

the demand for Nd is on the rise 在增长
ground 土壤
share fantastic magnetic and conductive properties
wind turbine 风力发动机 [ˈtɜːbaɪn](涡轮)
headphone / in-ear headphone / earbud 耳塞
trivial [ˈtrɪviəl] 不重要的
stick things on your fridge
outstrip [ˌaʊtˈstrɪp] 超过
metric tonne 公制吨(还有其他吨)
mine [maɪn] 矿山
Nevada [nə'vædə] 内华达
such a valuable commodity [kəˈmɒdəti] 商品,货物
self-sufficient 自给自足的
a radioactive waste management problem 辐射废料处理的问题
a diversification of Nd supply
recycle 回收;reclaim 回收再利用(Nd from spent electronic motors)
spent 用过已废的,失效的
succumb to doomsday scenario 屈服于世界末日的场景
succumb [səˈkʌm] 屈服
doomsday [ˈduːmzdeɪ] 世界末日
quote-unquote " " (引用别人说的话)
hold the rest of the world hostage with xx 把.......作为人质相要挟
Why China Is Beating The U.S. In Electric Vehicles
colt [koʊlt] n. 小马;生手
get around to 抽出时间来做……;开始考虑做……
way ahead (of his time) 远远在前面
bet big on 下大赌注
pledge to 承诺 保证
get off the ground (使)取得进展
in this regard 就这一点而言
license plate 牌照
waive the licensing fee 豁免牌照费
internal combustion engine 内燃机(缩写ICE)
mind-boggling 令人难以置信的 (第三次碰到)
bulk of the cost 大部分成本
wean off 使断奶 使脱离
get traction 获得牵引
across the board 全面地;包括一切地
fortify vt. 加强;增强;fortify China's stance as the xxxx
price cut 降价 (a massive price cut 大降价)
market cap = market capitalization 市值
have one's work cut out 全力以赴,够受,出大力气
miniature 微型的,小型的 (miniature camera 小型照像机)
be drawn to 被吸引到…方面来
gas-guzzling adj. 耗油的;高油耗的;吞油的
at the wheel 在驾驶;掌舵;指挥 (第二次出现)
sedan [sɪˈdæn] 轿车
a slew of 大量的
declarative statement 声明性陈述
sensational new product 轰动的新产品
low-priced 廉价的
debut [deɪˈbjuː] n. 初次登台;开张 vi. 初次登台
plug-in hybrid vehicles 混合动力车
ramp up 产能提升 (ramp up battery production)
China has a commanding lead. 中国遥遥领先
commanding 支配的
It is impossible to conceive of 我们不可能设想
standard setter 标准创立者
The Unstoppable Growth of China's High-Speed Rail Network
high-speed rail network 高速铁路专线网
insatiable [ɪnˈseɪʃəbl] 无法满足的; 贪得无厌的
is due to complete 预计将完成(日期)
arguably 可以说 (but it is arguably not actually high speed.)
jaw-dropping 令人惊愕的,令人震惊的
lifted out of poverty 摆脱贫困(Hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty.)
metropolis [məˈtrɒpəlɪs] 大都会; 大城市;
buckling infrastructure [ˈbʌklɪŋ] 被压垮的基础设施 ( 屈曲分析(Buckling Analysis))
maglev ['mæglev] 磁悬浮
as of 自……起;到…时候为止
wealth discrepancy 财富差异 (adress the country's wealth discrepancy problem)
nominal per capita income 名义人均收入
regional hubs 区域核心,区域枢纽
unify the country
administrative region 行政区域
Uyghur [wigɔr] n. 维吾尔文;维吾尔族;维吾尔语
ethnic unity 民族团结 (promote ethnic unity 增进民族团结)
congested [kənˈdʒestɪd] 拥塞的
standardise [ˈstændəˌdaɪz] vt. 使…符合标准;使…标准化;使…统一
embankment n. 路堤;堤防
viaduct [ˈvaɪədʌkt] n. 高架桥;高架铁路
electrification n. 电气化
railway signalling & communication 铁路信号通信
offsite 厂区外的;异地的
land acquisition 土地征用
a quarter of 四分之一
forgo 放弃,弃绝(想做的事或想得之物);
remote 极小的; (可能性或机会) 微乎其微的 [强调] (the chances of XXX feels remote)
lifeblood 生命线
Overseas Tech Giants/Famous Companies
Why Tesla And Elon Musk Face Challenges In China

electric car market is skyrocketing.
skyrocket v. (价格)飞涨,猛涨;(使)……猛然上涨
China is cleary way out in front of the U.S. in terms of production scale 领先美国
appealing 吸引人的
EV's and hybrids 电动和混合动力车
tax credit 税收抵免
proponent (of) 支持者,拥护者
subsidies and tax incentives 补贴和税收优惠 [ɪnˈsentɪv]
evade taxes 逃税
break ground on a new factory 破土动工间一个新的工厂
inhibitor 抑制剂,抗化剂;抑制者
inhibitor is affordability 抑制剂是负担能力
马斯克 is rushing to start production.
steep competition 激烈的竞争 (steep 陡峭的,极高的)
sell the cars at a profit 获利,赚钱
hinge on 取决于…;以…为转移
hinge 铰链 [hɪndʒ]
dispensation n. 特别豁免 [ˌdɪspenˈseɪʃn] ( 可有可无的;非必要的)
is customized for modern Chinese family. 量身定制
Volkswagen ['fɔ:lksvɑ:gən] 大众汽车
ford [fɔːd] 福特汽车公司;前滩;涉水
phenomenal [fəˈnɒmɪnl] 显著的;异常的;能知觉的;惊人的,非凡的
Porsche [pɔːrʃ] 保时捷 德语e要发音
Audi ['ɔ:di:] 奥迪
Mercedes [mə'sɪdi:z] 梅塞德斯
head start 领先;抢先起步的优势;有利的开端
golf cart 高尔夫球车 [kɑːrt]
Chinese customers will forgive on price not on quality.
质量有问题的话,那会是punishing 打击沉重的
gigafactory 超级工厂
GHZ abbr. 千兆赫(gigahertz)
giga [ˈɡɪɡə] n. 千兆;十亿
fork over 支付(a huge amount of money)
fork n. 叉;餐叉;耙 vt. 叉起;使成叉状 vi. 分叉;分歧
mover n. 原动力;鼓动者;搬运公司;搬家工人
a short hop 短途飞行
character (具有某种特性的) 人 He's a wild character.
outspoken adj. 坦率的,直言不讳的
Inside Samsung’s global headquarters in South Korea

I'm getting an exclusive look inside samsung. 专属的,独有的
sprawling [ˈsprɔːlɪŋ] adj. 蔓延的,杂乱延伸的
sprawling campuses
fax machine 传真机
bus depot 公共汽车停车场 [ˈdiːpoʊ]
acre [ˈeɪkə(r)] 英亩 (约为4000平方米)
dedicated area 特别的区域,专用的区域
sign 5G deals with 签署5G合同
deploy 5G network equipment 部署5G网络设备
roam through 漫步 [rəʊm]
no company property leaves the premises. 没有公司的财产离开公司
premises [ˈpremɪsɪz] n. 前提;经营场址;上述房屋;契约前言(premise的复数)
it's an in-house incubation program that employees pitch and work on their ideas without having to worry about their day jobs.
pitch 投掷
in-house adj. 内部的 adv. 内部地
incubation [ˌɪŋkjuˈbeɪʃn] n. 孵化
Successful projects are either absorbed in-house, or spun off into external startups, with samsung retaining a small stake in the companies.
spin off 分拆 University Spin-off 衍生企业 ; 大学衍生企业
it really peaks and get crowded around 6 pm.
peak 作动词,意思是到达峰值
perimeter [pəˈrɪmɪtər] n. 周长;周界
running track 跑道
cuisine [kwɪˈziːn] French cuisine 法国菜 Sichuan cuisine 川菜
cafeteria [ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə] A cafeteria is a restaurant where you choose your food from a counter and take it to your table after paying for it. Cafeterias are usually found in public buildings such as hospitals, colleges, and offices. 自助餐厅
cash register 现金出纳机,收银机;点钞机
condiment [ˈkɒndɪmənt] n. 调味品;佐料
usual condiments like ketchup and mustard [ˈmʌstərd]
kimchi [ˈkɪmtʃi] n. (朝鲜语)朝鲜泡菜
freshen up 梳洗一番,使变得焕然一新
take a stroll 散步 [strəʊl]
hang out 闲逛
be home to
it's so secretive, and I don't have any access.
secretive [ˈsiːkrətɪv] 秘密的 employer of a very large workforce. …一个拥有大批雇员的雇主
voice booths 视频写的是这个[buːθ],想表达的意思是录音棚
A vocal booth, otherwise known as a recording booth or sound isolation booth, is an enclosed structure built to provide the best possible isolation in terms of sound transmission. Vocal booths are most commonly used to record vocals and solo instruments without the recording being compromised by any outside sounds.
cue n. 提示,暗示;线索
wrap up 包裹;圆满完成(工作) [ræp]
that's my cue to wrap up this tour.
What is Softbank?

span [spæn] 包括 span many industries
form business deals with Sadui Arabia's royal family
is ranked 38 on XXlist
world's biggest public companies 全球最大的上市公司
general motors 通用汽车 [ˈməʊtə(r)]
Walt Disney 沃特迪士尼
humanoid robot [ˈhjuːmənɔɪd] 人形机器人
voice tone 声音的语调
fierce business strategies 激烈的商业策略
tech sector 科技领域
股票 surged more than 6 %
payday 交割日
that's almost a 3000000% gain in 14 years.
investing powerhouse (投资领域的)权威人士; 强国; 权势集团
VC-backed start-ups VC支持的创业公司
Needless to say, the companies took the cash. 不用说,这些公司最后接受了投资
Arm Holdings 安谋控股 (holdings是控股的意思)
undisclosed amount 没有披露的数据(钱)
Vision Fund 愿景基金
sovereign wealth founds of Sadui Arabia and the UAE (United Arab Emirates) 沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋的主权财富基金 [ˈsɒvrɪn]
What is Flipkart?

Bangalore [,bæŋgə'lor] 班加罗尔
surname [ˈsɜːneɪm]
80 different categories of goods 80不同种类的商品
food processor 食品加工机;食物处理机
yoga mat 瑜伽毯
in-house adj. 内部的 adv. 内部地
This market is set to quadruple to 200 billion in the next 8 years.
is set to quadruple 被指定翻四倍
quadruple ['kwɒdrʊp(ə)l; kwɒ'druːp(ə)l]
pegged to 与……挂钩 (先前有currency peg货币挂钩)
foothold n. 据点;立足处
when the news of the deal broke, 当交易被披露
shares tumbled 4 percent. 股价跌了4%
a lossmaking business 一个总是亏损的生意
earnings outlook for 2019 2019年的收益前景
exited the company 注意exit的两种读音 [ˈeksɪt; ˈeɡzɪt]
hefty profits 巨大的利润
it was valued at just 50 million 它那个时候价值50百万
They have now pocketed more than 400 times what they invested and still retain some shares.
pocket (轻松或不公正地) 获得 (奖赏、金钱等)
Softbank is also a big benificiary of the deal. 软银也是交易的巨大受益人
personal misconduct 个人不好的行为
an accusation of sexual assault 被指控性侵 [əˈsɔːlt]
sexual harassment 性骚扰 [həˈræsmənt] [ˈsekʃuəl]
How LEGO kept a plastic brick relevant for 60 years
clutch power 离合力 (乐高有个专有名词)
charitable arm 慈善机构/组织
strive for 争取,奋斗
close down 公司/工厂关闭
an abrupt halt 骤然停止 急剧停止
instill vt. 徐徐滴入;逐渐灌输 (instill into them the values of)
playpit 游戏沙坑;小沙坑
fanbase 粉丝团
Why Starlink Is Crucial To SpaceX’s Success
come by 得到; 找到;短暂拜访,顺道拜访
homestead [ˈhəʊmsted] 宅地;家园;田产
Idaho [ ˈaɪdəhəʊ] 爱达荷
cell service 手机服务
booster [ˈbuːstə(r)] 升压机;支持者;扩爆器
come along 出现
fiancee [fiˈɒnseɪ] (法)未婚妻
document vt. 记录,记载
blip [blɪp] (局势)突然而暂时的变化; 突然而暂时的中断
other than that 除此之外
in beta 在测试
select 精选的 (serve select customers)
it's fair to say 说句公道话,说……才是公平的
sparsely populated 人口稀少,人口稀疏 [ˈspɑːsli]
terrestrial [təˈrestriəl] 地球的,陆地的
make economic sense 有经济上的意义
megabit [ˈmeɡəbɪt] 兆位 [计算机]
constellation [ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃn] 星座,群星
FCC 联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)
orbit vi. 盘旋;绕轨道运行 vt. 绕…轨道而行(orbit at 36000 km above Earth's surface.)
on the flip side 反过来说,另一方面
in a filing to FCC 在提交给FCC
ground station 地面卫星接收站
satellite dish 圆盘式卫星电视天线;天线接受器
on my own 靠自己;独自一人;一己之力
tripod mount [ˈtraɪpɒd] 三角架
it walks you through everthing. 它引导你一切
built-in adj. 嵌入的;固定的
motorized [ˈməʊtəraɪzd] 有发动机的
starship 星际飞船
vessels at sea and aircraft in flight [ˈvesl] 船舶
coverage n. 覆盖,覆盖范围;新闻报道;
devastate [ˈdevəsteɪt] vt. 严重破坏; 彻底摧毁
job posting 招聘启事
is betting big 下大赌注(eg. U. S. companies are betting big on Africa. 美国公司正在大手笔下注非洲。)
enact fines for individuals who sign up for the service
be littered with 散落着 (satellite industry is littered with warning signs and corpses of former companies that have tried to go out and do what Starlink is doing.)
bankruptcy court 破产法院
capital expenditure [会计] 资本支出;[基经] 基本建设费用
satellite imagery 卫星图,卫星影像 [ˈɪmɪdʒəri]
mitigation [ˌmɪtɪˈɡeɪʃn] 为减轻罪责; 为从轻处置; 为了开脱 [正式];减轻; 缓和 [正式](mitigation solution)
sun visor (车辆驾驶室挡风玻璃上的)防晒板 [ˈvaɪzə(r)]
debris [ˈdebriː; ˈdeɪbriː] 碎片; 散乱的垃圾 (太空垃圾( space debris))
propulsion [prəˈpʌlʃn] 推进力 [正式] propulsion system 推进系统,推进装置
deorbit [diːˈɔːbɪt] vt. 使离开轨道 n. 脱离轨道
rule out 不考虑; 排除
push for 奋力争取
mitigate [ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt] 缓解 [正式]
swirl [swɜːl] 使 (液态、流动的物质) 快速旋流; (液态、流动的物质) 快速旋流;n. 旋涡
chasm [ˈkæzəm] (岩石、地面或冰上的) 大裂口,鸿沟; 巨大分歧
viable [ˈvaɪəbl] 可行的
revenue stream 收入来源;收益流
be geared towards 适合,面向 (its service is geared towards enterprise customers)
a colony on Mars 火星殖民地
bylaw 规章 [美国英语]
earthling [ˈɜːθlɪŋ] (科幻小说中的)地球人 [usu pl]
5G in Finland: How one country is betting big on the high-speed network

wireless technology 无线技术
It's a new cellular network designed to increase speed, improve connectivity and decrease latency.
cellular network 蜂窝网络 [ˈseljələ(r)]
latency 延迟 [ˈleɪtənsi]
balancing a ball 平衡小球
synchronization signal 同步信号
launch 5G commercial networks
agility [əˈdʒɪləti] n. 敏捷;灵活;机敏
influx of data 数据的涌入,汇集
fiber-optic cable 光纤(成了光缆)cell tower 手机信号塔
pump money into 5G infrastructure 在5G建设上投钱
blocked Chinese 5G operators
router [ˈraʊtər] 路由器
radio 无线电通信系统
overnight adv. 在夜间; 在晚上; 突然; 一夜之间; 旋即; adj. 夜间的; 晚上的; 只供一夜的; 突然的; 很快的; 一夜之间的;
Inside Singapore's cutting-edge urban jungle

office lobby 办公大堂rethink the way that urban living and natural habitats can be combined.
urban living 都市生活
set the tone for what future buildings might look like 定调子
grocery store 杂货店
CBD 中央商务区(Central Business District)
joint venture 合资企业
land-swap deal 土地交换交易
part of Singapore's vision is to be a city in a garden. 愿景
calming effect 镇静作用
concrete jungle 水泥丛林
the building orientation and facade helps to reduce heat gain and glare
facade [fəˈsɑːd] n. 正面;表面;外观
glare 刺眼;耀眼的光 [ɡleə(r)] heat gain 吸热
greenery n. 绿色植物
sign leases 签署租赁合约
it's kind of a weird sensation being here. 奇怪的感觉
be designated as ['dezɪɡ,neɪtɪd]
condo [ˈkɒndəʊ] n. 分户出售公寓大厦
How Estonia became one of the world’s most advanced digital societies

digital society 数字社会
baltic country 波罗的海国家 [ˈbɔːltɪk]
Estonia [eˈstəʊniə] n. 爱沙尼亚
embrace the Internet and technology 拥抱互联网和科技
showcase v. 展现,表现 n. 玻璃陈列柜
showroom n. 陈列室;样品间
Every Estonia is issued a digital ID. 每个人都被发了一个电子身份证
residency 居住; 居住权(He applied for Canadian residency.)
digital signature 数字签名
The government embarked on a series of fast track reforms to modernize the country, and it saw investment in technology as a key way to boost the economic growth.
per capita 人均 ['kæpɪtə]
are now vying to be the next unicorn. 竞争成为下一个独角兽
vying [ˈvaɪɪŋ] adj. 竞争的
vie [vaɪ] v. 争夺,激烈竞争
cyber hygiene 网络卫生
with bumps 坎坷,磕磕绊绊
lure [lʊr] vt. 诱惑
interior ministry 内政部
high-skilled worker 高技术工人
digital nomad 数字游民
nomad [ˈnəʊmæd] n. 游牧民;流浪者 adj. 游牧的;流浪的
early stage of skin cancer 早期皮肤癌
replicate [ˈreplɪkeɪt] vt. 复制;折叠
replicating Estonia's digital success 复制爱沙尼亚数字化的成功
Dallas [ˈdæləs] 达拉斯
Amsterdam’s jealous of America’s weed industry

marijuana [ˌmærəˈwɑːnə] n. 大麻;大麻毒品
cannabis [ˈkænəbɪs] 印度大麻
one strain we have [streɪn] n. (植物、动物的)品种;种类
marijuana legalization 大麻合法化
regulatory hurdle 监管障碍 [ˈhɜːdl]
cash in on the growing legal weed industry 从合法大麻行业的增长中获利
cash in 从…中牟利
What is a bubble?
tulip mania [ˈmeɪniə] n. 狂热;狂躁;热衷
郁金香狂热/郁金香泡沫(Tulip Bubble)
anatomy [əˈnætəmi] n. 解剖;解剖学;剖析;骨骼

booming international trade 蓬勃的国际贸易
by some accounts 根据若干统计
by all accounts adv. 据大家所说
on tulip crop per year 每年一季郁金香[krɒp]
put a bet on 在.......上下赌注
euphoria [juːˈfɔːriə] n. (常指较短时间的)极度兴奋,情绪高涨,狂喜
cash out 抽出资金
profit-taking stage 见利抛售阶段
plummet [ˈplʌmɪt] v. 陡直落下,快速落下;(价值、数量等)骤然下跌 n. 骤降;铅垂,铅垂线
takeaway 可以让你带走的、有价值的东西(观点或结论)
takeaway 外卖食品;外卖餐馆 ...a Chinese takeaway. …一家中餐外卖馆。
price swings 价格波动
swing 秋千
spill-over effect 溢出效应
a staple [ˈsteɪpl] 重要部分 (郁金香仍是)
staple 订书钉 stapler [ˈsteɪplə(r)] 订书机
The Future Of Energy Storage Beyond Lithium Ion
solar panel(s) 太阳电池板
wind farm(s) 风力农场
workhorse n. 做重活的人;驮马;重负荷机器 adj. 工作重的;吃苦耐劳的
cadre [ˈkædri] 骨干(队伍); 干部
flow battery/liquid battery 液态电池
previal (尤指长时间斗争后)战胜 (which technologies prevail remains to be seen)
fossil fuel 化石燃料
solar P.V.(photovoltaic)
power plant 发电厂
across the board 全面地;包括一切地
utility company 公用事业公司
risk-averse 风险规避的;不愿承担风险的 [ˈrɪsk əvɜːrs]
partner with v. 做伙伴
the market is ripe for competetion [raɪp]
pumped-hydro energy storage 抽水蓄能
uphill adj. 上坡的,向上的 adv. 向上地;往上坡 (pump water uphill to high-elevation reservoir)
elevation [ˌelɪˈveɪʃn] 海拔,高地
scalable 可扩张的(数量上),可称量的
crane 吊车,起重机
tower crane 塔式起重机
lift and stack bricks 升起和堆bricks
sheer size of the operation 巨大的操作(装置)
footprint (某物所占的)空间量,也用于形容计算机内存。常见意思是“足迹”
a smaller footprint 更小的空间
emerging technology 新兴技术
capture light radiated from hot storage medium 捕获猎物
unmet [ˌʌnˈmet] 未满足的
ingenuity 心灵手巧,独创性,足智多谋 [ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːəti]
liquefy [ˈlɪkwɪfaɪ] vt. 液化;溶解
far out 最新的;激进的;远离现实的 (These ideas may seem far out)
pilot project 试点项目,试点工程;样板工程
pilot [ˈpaɪlət] n. 飞行员;领航员 adj. 试点的 v. 驾驶;领航;试用
vying [ˈvaɪɪŋ] adj. 竞争的
niches (有特定的要求、顾客群和产品的) 专营市场 [商业] [ˈniːʃɪz; ˈnɪtʃɪz] (this is a market with many niches)
dirt cheap 非常便宜的 [非正式]
astronomical [ˌæstrəˈnɒmɪkl] 天文的,天文学的;极大的
geothermal [地物] 地热的;[地物] 地温的
biomass 生物质
lull 间歇期 [lʌl](A lull is a period of quiet or calm in a longer period of activity or excitement. )
a plethora of 大量的 过多的 [ˈpleθərə]
What's Happening With Bitcoin?
have second thoughts 经过重新考虑而改变主意;(重新考虑后)改变主意
football league [ˈfʊtbɔːl liːɡ] 橄榄球联盟(美国)
top 超过 exceed or surpass (Bitcoin topped forty thousand dollars a coin at the start of 2021)
cash out 套现离场
institutional investor 机构投资者
lend 给予 (支持) (institutional investor are now adopting Bitcoin, lending it newfound legitimacy)
corporate balance sheets 企业资产负债表
speculator [ˈspekjuleɪtə(r)] 投机者;思索者 (small scale retail speculator)
well-established 确立已久的 well-established billionaire
price vt. 给……定价;问……的价格 (Bitcoin can be used to buy, sell and price goods)
intent n. 意图;目的;(that is the original intent of Bitcoin)
Fiat Money [ˈfiːɑːt] 法定货币
forensic firm
in the midst of 正当…的时候,在…当中
ledger [ˈledʒər] 账簿;底账 (Black chain, you can think of it as the digital ledger where all Bitcon transactions are stored.)
feat [fiːt]功绩 [表赞许] (I mean, that is a pretty incredible feat)
capital base 资本基础
foment [fəˈment] 煽动 [正式](央行的放水,不仅reform了比特币的image,也forment a supply shortage.)
strapped [stræpt] 缺钱的,手头拮据的(Countries around the world are strapped for cash.)
decimate [ˈdesɪmeɪt] 大量毁灭
coffer [ˈkɒfə(r)] (旧时的)保险柜,贵重物品箱; (政府、机构等的)金库,资金;
(The covid pandemic has decimated government coffers.)
a depreciating dollar 美元贬值
hedge against [hedʒ əˈɡenst] 避免损失的措施 (hedge against inflation)
appreciate vi增值;涨价 (Your currency is appreciating daily.)
patchwork 拼缝物;拼布手艺;拼凑的东西(We have right now a patchwork of state and federal regulation.)
fragmented 片断的;成碎片的(It is quite a fragmented process.)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission 商品期货交易委员会
IRS (Internal Revenue Service) 美国国税局
retail investor 散户,小额投资者
get ripped off 被宰了(retail investor is getting ripped off )
dwarf [dwɔːf] v 使显得矮小,n. 侏儒,矮子 (Bitcoin is dwarfed by companies like Tesla.)
attest to 证明;证实
How Harvard and Other Colleges Manage Their Endowments
The Ivy League 常春藤联盟 [ˈaɪvi] n. 常春藤 adj. 常春藤联盟的
endowment n. 捐赠;捐助;捐款;天资
a sort of 一种;有点
pipe dream 白日梦
deception n. 欺骗,欺诈;骗术
pool 集中(资金、知识或设备,供大家分享)
pool all these funds from alumni
pile up 积累,堆放起来
taxpayer 纳税人
for context 相比之下
ordinary People 普通人
divest the endowment
flush (非正式)富有的
philanthropy [fɪˈlænθrəpi] 博爱,慈善;慈善事业 (philanthropic adj. 博爱的;仁慈的)
fundraising n. 筹款;资金募集
Andrew Carnegie 卡内基("... the man who dies thus rich dies disgraced.")
to endow a college 捐助大学基金
non-profits 非营利组织
take a hit 遭受打击;受到影响
cut back 削减;修剪
economic downturn 经济低迷;经济不景气;经济滑坡
intertwined adj. 缠绕的;错综复杂的
in prospect 展望;在期望中;可以预料到
crux n. 关键,症结;难题;十字架形
outsource vt. 把…外包 vi. 外包
grievous 痛苦的;剧烈的 [ˈɡriːvəs]
mediocre adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的 [ˌmiːdiˈoʊkər]
taper off 逐渐变细;逐渐减少
interlace vt. 使交错;使交织 vi. 交织;交错
intercept vt. 拦截;截断;窃听 n. 拦截;[数] 截距。视频中是一个媒体的名字
spokesperson 发言人;代言人
jeopardize vt. 危害;使陷危地;使受危困
revenue stream 收入来源;收益流
tax exempt 免税的
pick on 刁难; 欺负 [非正式]
repeal or amend 废除或修改
do away with 废除, 消除; 终结
perpetuate v. 使持续,使长存,使永久化(尤指不好的事物)
Tucker: Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against us
cagey [ˈkeɪdʒi] 遮遮掩掩的, 有戒心的
fraudulent [ˈfrɔːdjələnt] adj. 欺骗性的;不正的
right wing 右翼;右派
white supremacist 白人至上主义者
topple vt. 推翻;颠覆
turmoil [ˈtɜːrmɔɪl] n. 混乱,骚动
contempt n. 轻视,蔑视;耻辱 [kənˈtempt]
economic coercion 经济胁迫 [kəʊˈɜːʃn]
show down 决战,摊牌 (名词)
conspicuous 显著的;显而易见的
stonewall 迟迟不答复; 拖延作决定
consistently 一贯地;一致地;坚实地
identity politics 认同政治,身份政治
paralyze vt. 使麻痹;使瘫痪
deep seated 深层的;根深蒂固的;由来已久的
cover-up n. 掩盖; 掩饰
squarely 垂直正对地; 正中地, 明确地
demonize [ˈdiːmənaɪz] vt. 妖魔化;使…成为魔鬼(demon [ˈdiːmən] 恶魔;魔鬼)
political correctness 政治正确
subdue [səbˈdu] vt. 征服; 克制; 制服
advocate inclusiveness 提倡包容
for the sake of 为了;为了…的利益
phony adj. 假的,欺骗的 [ˈfoʊni]
hypocritical [ˌhɪpəˈkrɪtɪkl] 虚伪的;伪善的
affirmative action 平权运动
on merit 根据事物本身的情况(来评价)
wholeheartedly adv. 全心全意地,全神贯注地 ( support it)
practice 做法(You can refer to something that people do regularly as a practice.)
hierarchy [ˈhaɪərɑːrki] 层级;等级制度
penalize [ˈpiːnəlaɪz] vt. 处罚;处刑;使不利
shallow (人、作品、主意等) 浅薄的
Warren Buffett Documentary 完整版
oracle (古希腊传达神谕的) 祭司,圣人
good old-fashioned 美好的老式的 brand
ounce [aʊns] 盎司
upset the applecart 破坏计划; 扰乱制度; 打乱安排
in place 适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置
treasury bond (美国财政部发行的5年期以上的)长期国库券
staggering 惊人的,令人震惊的
eventuality 可能发生的 (尤指不测) 事件; 可能的后果 (prepare for any eventuality)
auction of new issues 竞购新的债券
jolt 颠簸,挫折
scandal-scarred 丑闻伤痕累累
turning point 转折点
on the line 处于危险中 (his reputation is on the line)
a too-big-to-fail scenario 一个大而不倒的方案
colossal [kəˈlɑːsl] 巨大的;异常的 (colossal disaster)
endorsement (公开的)赞同,支持,认可 (it was quite an endorsement)
endorse vt. 公开支持; 赞同;代言(产品或公司)
plead for 请求,为…辩护
cracking 优秀的; 美妙的;
contemplate 考虑; 思量; 思忖; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 深思熟虑; 沉思; 苦思冥想;
ruthless [ˈruːθləs] 无情的,残忍的
compound interest 复利
spectacle [ˈspektəkl] 盛大的活动
people consider it a religion 人们把它视为一种信仰
in sync with 与······一致,与······同步 (The soundtrack is not in sync with the picture. 音画不同步。) [sɪŋk]
human nature 人类本性
rattle off 飞快说出
biopsy 活组织切除 [ˈbaɪɒpsi]
solitary [ˈsɑːləteri] adj. 孤独的;独居的 n. 独居者;隐士
selfless [ˈselfləs] 无私的;不考虑自己的 (selfless acts that history will ever record)
out of blue 出乎意料的
antithesis [ænˈtɪθəsɪs] n. 对立面;对照
win ovarian lottery 赢得子宫彩票
class dismissed 下课
agnostic [æɡˈnɑːstɪk] n. 不可知论者 adj. 不可知论的;怀疑的
depreciated currency 贬值货币,贬值通货
salvage value 残值
Life and knowledge
The secrets of learning a new language
polyglot 通晓并使用多种语言的人 [ˈpɒliɡlɒt]
dawn n. 黎明;开端 vt. 破晓;出现;被领悟
Suddenly it dawned on me (that) 我突然明白
flash card 教学识字卡
sitcom 情景喜剧[ˈsɪtkɒm] situation comedy
gibberish 胡言乱语 [ˈdʒɪbərɪʃ]
shortcut 捷径 (we have no shortcut in learning languages)
podcast n. 播客
introverted 内向的(person)
in the comfort of 在舒适的
repetition n. 重复;背诵 [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn]
spaced repetition 间隔重复是一种利用心理学间隔效应,通过不断复习所学内容并逐步增加两次复习间的时间间隔来提升效率的学习技巧。
household chores 家务劳动 (do household chores [tʃɔ:(r)z])
chunk 大块 [tʃʌŋk]
vividly remember 清晰地记得
What I learned from 100 days of rejection
the virtue of complimenting each other 互相称赞的美德
freak out 处于极度高涨的情绪中(如害怕、愤怒或兴奋)
team-building 团队建设
embrace the idea 拥抱这个想法
read through 通读 read this through
speak up 大声点说
rah-rah 鼓动性的 [美国英语] [非正式](I came up with a bunch of "rah-rah" inspirational articles)
don't take it personally 别太在意,对事不对人,听完不要生气
desensitize [diːˈsensətaɪz] vt. 使不敏感;使麻木不仁 (desensitize yourself from the pain)
Security Guard 保安人员
pound [paʊnd] 英镑, (心脏)狂跳,怦怦地跳(my heart is pounding)
chubby [ˈtʃʌbi] 胖乎乎的; 圆胖的; 丰满的;
lovable [ˈlʌvəbl] 可爱的; 惹人爱的; 讨人喜欢的;
menacing 威胁的 [ˈmenəsɪŋ]
microcosm (社会的)缩影 [正式] [ˈmaɪkrəʊkɒzəm]
stay engaged 继续从事,保持忙碌
burger/drink refill
burger joint 汉堡店
turn my life upside down 颠覆我的人生
jot down 草草记下 [dʒɒt]
notoriety 恶名; 坏名声 [ˌnəʊtəˈraɪəti]
referral n. 转送(到能提供专门帮助的人或地方那里) [rɪˈfɜːrəl]
greeter 迎候顾客的服务员 [ˈɡriːtə(r)]
demeanor 风度;举止;行为 [dɪˈmiːnər]
career trajectory 事业轨迹
curse 诅咒 [kɜːrs]
boogeyman n. 鬼怪,怪物;坏蛋 [ˈbʊɡimæn]
Sleep is your superpower
testicle [ˈtestɪkl] 睾丸
testosterone [teˈstɑːstəroʊn] 睾丸素(男性荷尔蒙的一种)
age a man by a decade
impairment [ɪmˈpermənt] n. (身体或智力方面的)缺陷;(身体机能的)损伤,削弱
reproductive health 生殖健康
alarmingly [əˈlɑːrmɪŋli] adv. 惊人地;让人担忧地
save button 保存按钮
a dry sponge ready to initially soak up new information
waterlogged 吸饱水的
all-nighter 通宵活动的人
a sleep deprivation group (deprivation n. 剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困)
slumber [ˈslʌmbər] 睡眠
caffeine [ˈkæfiːn] 咖啡因; 咖啡碱;
miserable adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的
take snapshots of brain activity 对大脑活动进行快照
head-to-head (比赛)正面交锋的/地
put it in the context 把它放在上下文中
ace an exam 在考试中得高分
hippocampus [ˌhɪpəˈkæmpəs] 海马结构
inbox (电子邮件)收件箱
hold on to 紧握
sleep-deprived people 睡眠不足的人
whatsoever 无论怎样;丝毫
commit new experiences to memory 把……交托给
bad 坏事
physiological [ˌfɪziəˈlɑːdʒɪkl] adj. 生理学的,生理的
brainwave 脑电波;灵感
burst (突然的) 一阵 a burst of
spindle [ˈspɪndl] 纺锤
short-term vulnerable reservoir [ˈrezərvwɑːr]
dementia [dɪˈmenʃə] 痴呆
aging 老化
interrelated 相关的;互相联系的
underappreciated 未受到充分赏识的;未得到正确评价的an underappreciated factor
alzheimer's disease 阿尔茨海默病
depressing news 令人沮丧的消息
silver lining (不幸或失望中的)一线希望;乌云周围的白光
fiendishly [ˈfiːndɪʃli] 很; 极其;
explanatory [ɪkˈsplænətɔːri]
naturalistic 自然的;自然主义的;博物学的 naturalistic sleep
moon-shot 对月发射(航天器、火箭等)
cardiovascular system 心血管系统 [ˌkɑːrdioʊˈvæskjələr]
reproductive system 生殖系统
car crashes 车祸;汽车碰撞
deeper dive
cancerous tumour 癌性肿瘤 [ˈkænsərəs]
assassin [əˈsæsn] 刺客,暗杀者
virile [ˈvɪrəl] 身强力壮的
bowel [ˈbaʊəl] 肠
prostate [ˈprɑːsteɪt] 前列腺
breast 乳房[brest]
shift work 轮班工作;倒班,换岗
carcinogen [kɑːrˈsɪnədʒən] 致癌物质
mortally [ˈmɔːrtəli] 致命地;非常
epidemiological [ˌepɪˌdiːmiəˈlɑːdʒɪkl] 流行病学的
mortality [mɔːrˈtæləti] n. 死亡数,死亡率;必死性
disquieting [dɪsˈkwaɪətɪŋ] 令人不安的;令人忧虑的
erode [ɪˈroʊd] 腐蚀,侵蚀
nook and cranny 角落 [nʊk] [ˈkræni]
physiology [ˌfɪziˈɑːlədʒi] 生理学;生理机能
spell out 讲清楚
tampers with 干涉; 篡改
anchor your sleep [ˈæŋkər] 抛锚,使固定
fahrenheit [ˈfærənhaɪt] 华氏温标
mission-critical 关键的
immortality n. 不朽 [ˌɪmɔːrˈtæləti]
decimation n. 大批杀害,每十人杀一人;大量毁灭 [ˌdesɪˈmeɪʃn]
stigma [ˈstɪɡmə] 耻辱的事
elixir [ɪˈlɪksər] 长生不老药
health deteriorate 健康恶化 [dɪˈtɪriəreɪt]
Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
Principles For Success by Ray Dalio
presumptuous [prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs] 自以为是的,专横的,冒失的
early on早先,早些时候
parenting n. 父母对子女的养育
overarching 首要的;支配一切的;包罗万象的
reflect on 仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾
fear boredom and mediocrity害怕无聊和平庸[ˈbɔːrdəm] [ˌmiːdiˈɒkrəti]
foster [ˈfɒstə(r)] v. 促进;抚育(他人子女一段时间);收养;把(孩子)交托给养父母
foster our own evolution 培育自己的进化
hyper-realist 超级写实主义者,超级写实主义的
mundane 平凡的; 单调的 [mʌnˈdeɪn]
harsh 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的 harsh realities
invaluable 无价的;非常贵重的
calm myself down 让自己静下来
run after 追求;追赶;追逐
root cause 根本原因
get around 解决
get around a problem or difficulty means to overcome it.
dying 垂死的 (adapting or dying)
conceptually 从概念上讲
take on a long-term challenge 接受一个长期的挑战
encounter setbacks 遇到挫折
spiral downward 螺旋式下降 (Katie's life continued to spiral downward. 凯蒂的生活继续螺旋式的低落下去)
turbulence n. 骚乱,动荡;[流] 湍流;狂暴
a big bull market 大牛市
cut losses 斩仓, 止损
in perspective 正确地看待(或判断);符合透视法地
at the big bang 在大爆炸
coalesce [ˌkəʊəˈles] vi. 合并;结合;联合 vt. 使…联合;使…合并
eternity 永恒; 永存 [ɪˈtɜːnəti]
circulatory system (血液、淋巴液的)循环系统 [ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪtəri]
one-offs 一次性事物,一次性的
transpire 发生 [trænˈspaɪə(r)] (When something transpires, it happens.)
cause-effect relationship 因果关系
be biased by 遭…扭曲, 因…产生偏颇
newfound 新发现的;新得到的
fork n. 叉;餐叉;耙;(道路、河流等的) 岔口 (I had come to one of life's forks in the road)
risk doing something 冒险做某事
strike a match 划火柴
reside [rɪˈzaɪd] vi. 住,居住;属于
Your deepest seated needs and fears reside in areas of your brain that control your emotions
conscious awareness 意识
as though 好像;仿佛
we are instinctively prone to react to explorations of them as though thery're attacks.
excel at (doing) sth 擅长做某事
lateral thinking 横向思维;水平思考 [ˈlætərəl]
vertical thinking 垂直思考,线性思考 (linear thinking)
Aristotle [ˈærɪˌstɑːtl] 亚里士多德
fatal flaw 致命弱点 [ˈfeɪtl flɔː]
impediment [ɪmˈpedɪmənt] 妨碍; 障碍物
Holy Grail(中世纪传说中的)圣杯; 在最后的晚餐中耶稣用过的碗,依其申述,由阿里玛西亚的约瑟夫带到英国,在那里为众多骑士所找寻 grail [ɡreɪl]
hash out something (to talk about something with someone else in order to reach agreement about it:)
the world lit up. 世界亮了(明朗了) (There was an explosion and the whole sky lit up. 一声爆炸照亮了整个天空。)
growling 咆哮声 chirping 鸟叫声
Ascend to a Greater Height 上升到更高的高度
meritocracy 精英制度 ;精英管理的社会 [ˌmerɪˈtɒkrəsi]
bait [beɪt] 饵;诱惑物
How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio
needless economic suffering 不必要的经济困难
zillion n. 庞大的数字;无法计算的大数字 adj. 无限数的 [ˈzɪljən]
a zillion times
productivity growth 生产率增长+short-term debt cycle 短期债务周期+long-term debt cycle 长期债务周期
money + credit = total spending
price = total spending/ total quantity
flow of credit 信贷流动
volatile [ˈvɑːlətl] adj. [化学] 挥发性的;不稳定的;爆炸性的;反复无常的
buyer + seller, lender + borrower
repay principal(本金) + interest (利息)
out of thin air 无中生有地;凭空捏造
debt is an asset to the lender, and a liability to the borrower 债务对出借人来说是资产,对于借贷者来说是债务
a creditworthy borrower 一个有信誉的借款人
collateral [kəˈlætərəl] n. 抵押品,担保品
in the event of/that 如果 ; 假如 ; 万一 ; 发生的话
self-reinforcing pattern 自我强化的模式
increased income allows increased borrowing, which allows increased spending. (one person's spending is another person's income)
complacent [kəmˈpleɪsnt] 自满的;得意的;满足的
bartender [ˈbɑːtendə(r)] n. 酒保,酒吧间销售酒精饮料的人;酒吧侍者
trillion 万亿
allocate resources 分配资源
tractor 拖拉机
harvest crops 收割庄稼
deflation [ˌdiːˈfleɪʃn] n. 通货紧缩
inclination [ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn] n. 倾向,意向
They have inclination to borrow and spend more instead pf paying back debt.
indebted adj. 负债的; [ɪnˈdetɪd]
deleverage 去杠杆化; 减债;
banks get squeezed 银行发生挤兑
social tension 社会对立; 社会紧张;
scramble to fill this hole 急忙去填补窟窿
flood the market 涌入市场 [flʌd]
tank (股票/资产/电影节目)表现得很糟糕 [美国英语] [非正式]
put up collateral 提供抵押品
vicious circle 恶性循环
The difference between a recession and a deleveraging is that in a deleveraging borrowers' debt burdens have simply gotten too big and can't be relieved by lowering interest rates.
debt burdens 债务负担
defaults and restructurings 债务违约和重组
austerity 经济紧缩 [ɔːˈsterəti]
pay down 偿还
economic contraction 经济萎缩
debtor [ˈdetə(r)] 债务人;[会计] 借方
creditor [ˈkredɪtə(r)] n. 债权人,贷方
reflation n. 通货再膨胀
rules of thumb 经验法则;拇指规则
Let’s Talk Porn
stumble on 无意中发现;偶然遇到,碰巧找到
relapse [rɪ'læps] (旧病)复发
kick 极大的快感; 极度的兴奋 [非正式](need more and more aggressive porn to experience the same kick)
sexuality 性欲 / 性倾向
abusive 侮辱的;恶毒残暴的
humiliating 羞辱性的
atm (ass to mouth)
gagging 堵住…的嘴n
double penetration 双插入
choking 使窒息; 窒息 n
penis [解剖] 阴茎 [ˈpiːnɪs]
reflex [ˈriːfleks](对刺激的)本能反应
kick in 开始
physical aggression 身体攻击(gagging, slapping, hair pulling...)
verbal aggression 言语侵犯
bitch and slut 婊子,荡妇
cheek 脸颊
groan [ɡrəʊn] 呻吟 n/vi/vt
scream and moan 尖叫和呻吟
strangle [ˈstræŋɡl] 扼死,抑制 (啪啪啪的时候不叫,那我应该strangle her?)
compulsively 强制地,强迫地 ( compulsory education 义务教育)
mic [maɪk] 麦克风
dehumanize [ˌdiːˈhjuːmənaɪz] 使丧失人性
sexual aggression 性攻击
rocket science 高深的事; 难做的事
compulsive behavior 强迫行为 [kəmˈpʌlsɪv]
groundbreaking 开创性的
debunk [diːˈbʌŋk] 曝光; 揭露...的真相
intimacy [ˈɪntɪməsi]亲密,性关系
locker room 衣帽间
mindset 思维模式; 思想倾向
obnoxious [əbˈnɒkʃəs] 令人讨厌的 [表不满]
well-organized campaign
aboslutly formidable opponent 绝对强大的竞争对手
hustings 竞选演说 election hustings
good-natured adj. 和蔼的;温厚的;脾气好的
extraordinary service to this party and to this country
it was a privileage to serve in her cabinet
passion and determination
tackle the problems of mental health and racial discrimination
criminal justice system 刑事司法系统
public spirit 公共心; 公共精神; 所谓公心; 公益精神; 公心
confer on 授予,带来
Everyone expects the New Year to confer on him peace, happiness and prosperity.
question the wisdom of your decision
monopoly of wisdom 独具慧眼,绝对的智慧
look after your family
at this pivotal moment 在这个关键时刻
reconcile vt. 使一致;使和解;调停,调解;使顺从
It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father.
He never believed he and Susan would be reconciled.
my attempt to reconcile him with Toby.
She had reconciled herself to never seeing him again.
irreconcilable adj. 矛盾的;不能和解的;不能协调的
devoted reader 忠实读者
faced such a daunting set of circumstances.
daunting adj. 使人畏缩的;使人气馁的;令人怯步的
Do you look/feel daunted? 你气馁了吗?
People in this country are trusting in us.
deliver brexit 脱欧,unite the country
I say to all the doubters
slumbering giant 沉睡的巨人
get brexit done
sprout in every household
sprout vi. 发芽;长芽 vt. 使发芽;使萌芽 n. 芽;萌芽;苗芽