


fucking nigger chink
Excuse me!
Watch your language. 你说话注意点
Mind your own business./ It’s none of your business. 别多管闲事
You shouldn’t have done that. I’m very disappointed. (别人做了坏事,印相值降低了,所以失望)
Enough is enough. 够了;适可而止(你已经触碰我的底线了)
Don’t give me your excuse. 别再给我找借口
You’ll be sorry. 升级为威胁
Leave me alone.有人不同打搅你,纠缠你,走开;如果是家人,那么意思是让我一个人安静一会儿
That’s the best I can do. 别人得寸进尺,不停提不合理要求
That’s your problem. 这是你的事,我管不了那么多
Don’t you dare! How dare you. 你敢!


dinning etiquette  [ˈdɪnɪŋ ˈetɪkət] 用餐礼仪
menu分为appetizer、starter,比如soup/salad/flatbread;main course 主餐,pork/beef/lamb/veal小牛肉,有点残忍;dessert 甜点,可以同时点咖啡和茶。
Today's special is New York Steak. 今天的特殊菜是纽约牛排。
May/Can I have ... a cup of coffee.
Are you ready to orer? --- A few more minutes please.
Can I have New York Steak please? Medium (中等熟),rare(很嫩的),well-done(全熟,难嚼)
Can I have a baked potato on the side ? 加一个配菜
How is everything ?  ---Can I have another ... /Oh, it's good. Thank you.
Are you done? ---I'm still working on it./Oh, Yes.
Would you like something for deessert?---I'd like to have a New York cheesecake.
Would you like some coffee or anyhthing with that? 配着甜食吃
Can I have the bill please ?
Would you like to have this packed up ? 要打包吗?
Can I have have a reservation for a party of three at 3'clock on Thursday ?
Can I have you name/phone number please ?


Hash browns 薯饼

small/medium/large    薯条的量
wrap  包起来的
pancake 烙饼; 薄饼
combo/combination 套餐,含有三明治/汉堡,薯条(默认medium)。
electronic kiosk 自动点餐机  take out/dine in
Filet-O-Fish 麦香鱼汉堡
Make it a meal 成为一个套餐
Do you want to make it a meal/combo ? 你想把它变成套餐吗?
Can I have a number one please ?  一个一号套餐 ?
What drink would you like ?
Would you like to have receipt?


Dining Out In A Sushi Restaurant 外出就餐; 外出用餐; 在外用餐; 下馆子; 外出吃饭
sushi restaurant 日本餐馆,sushi roll 寿司卷 nigiri  等 pickled ginger 酸姜

mayonnaise [ˌmeɪəˈneɪz] 蛋黄酱

Set of wasabi, mayonnaise, chili sauce and mustard. Vector illustration

sake [ˈsɑːki] 日本清酒
sashimi [sæˈʃiːmi] 生鱼片(日本菜肴,蘸调味酱食用),刺身
udon 乌冬面
processed foods 加工处理过的食物 unprocessed foods/raw foods


Italian seasoning  意大利调味品
hot chilli sauce
cashew nuts

raspberry pie 覆盆子派
vanilla ice cream 香草味冰激凌  gravy

gravy [ˈɡreɪvi] 欧美国家做肉类料理时常常搭配肉汁, 它是用肉类的汤汁和油脂加上面粉、稍微调味之后 收成的浓稠酱汁

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