


hair 头发 head 头 eyebrow 眉毛 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 嘴巴 mouth 耳朵 ear 脖子 neck 肩膀 shoulder arm 胳膊 forearm 前臂 forehead 前额 elbow 胳膊肘 wrist 手腕 knuckle  [ˈnʌkl] 手指关节 palm 手心 the back of the hand 手背 thumb 大拇指 index finger 食指 middle finger 中指 ring finger 无名指 little finger或pinky 小拇指 pinky swear 小拇指拉钩不许反悔 finger nail 手指甲 armpit 胳肢窝 chest 前胸 abdomen或belly或stomach 肚子 bellybutton 肚脐眼 后背back lower back 腰,下背部 upper back 上背部 waist 腰 butt 屁股 hip 胯 groin 腹股沟 thigh 膝盖以上 lap 大腿 knee 膝盖 calf 小腿 foot 脚 toe 脚指头 ankle  [ˈæŋkl]脚腕 toenail 脚指甲 heel 脚后跟
high heel shoes 高跟鞋。
He is bald.他是光头。
I sprained my ankle 我把脚崴了。sprain [spreɪn] v. 扭伤(关节) n. 扭伤
elbow sb. 用胳膊肘杵
a slap on the wrist (法律)对某人的出发过轻


I’m very contented with my life.心满意足
He is absent-minded. 心不在焉
He is pre-occupied. 脑子里被其他事情占据
He is uncomfortable. (情绪上而不是身体上)的不舒服 身体上不舒服用He doesn’t feel well.
He is tense.
He is nervous. 也含有紧张的意思,更侧重担忧,比如担忧考试
He is anxious. 焦虑的,状况更深
He is gloomy. 阴沉的,抑郁的,情绪低落的,情况比sad要轻
He is sad. 非常不开心,伤心,难过的
He is depressed. 情绪非常低沉的,抑郁的,不是医学上抑郁。 I fell depressed when it rains.
scared 抽象或者具体意义上的害怕,比如怕丢工作或者怕黑
confused 困惑的
I feel ashamed. 丢面子
He is annoyed 烦的
He is sullen. 闷闷不乐的
He is mad. 气的发火
He is painful. 身心痛
He isworried 担忧的
He is excited. 1.指精神上的兴奋;2.比高兴还要高兴,非常高兴
He is euphoric to receive an Oscar. 非常高兴


introverted 内向的 extroverted 外向的 shy 害羞的,和内向不是一个意思。outgoing 爱交际的,是外向的一种表现形式。easygoing 随和的 down-to-earth 朴实的,没有架子。 sociable 爱社交的 gregarious 非常喜欢社交的,喜欢凑热闹 stubborn 固执的 cynical 尖酸的,隐含不友善的含义 sarcastic 喜欢讽刺的,可能是幽默性的讽刺 bossy 喜欢发号施令的,让别人听他的 domineering 专横的 mean 不友善的 kindfriendly 友善的 innocent (小孩子,少男少女)纯真的 calculating 很喜欢算计的 cautious 小心谨慎的 cowardly 胆小怕事的 timid 性格弱,羞怯的,侧重表示害羞没自信 aggresive 强势的 bad-tempered 坏脾气的 moody 脾气多变的,喜怒无常的 modest 谦虚的 humble 谦逊的,可能是有地位和身份的人表现出来的傲气;贫困的,卑微的 He was born in a humble family. pompous 傲气的 gullible 容易受骗上当的,轻信别人 sensitive 敏感的 sentimental 多愁善感的
open-minded 思维开放的
closed-minded 思想保守的


dish detergent或者dishwashing liquid 洗碗剂 laundry powderlaundry detergent liquid 洗衣服的 liquid hand soap或者foaming hand wash 洗手液 all purpose surface cleaner 清洗各种台面的洗涤剂 toilet bowel cleaner 清洗坐便器的洗涤剂 fragrance 香味剂 dyes 染料 chlorine with plant-based and mineral ingredients biodegradable and fish friendly 可以自然降解的 nontoxic 无毒的 shampoo 洗发水 (hair) conditioner 护发素 body wash 沐浴液 facial cleaner 洗面奶 body lotion护肤霜 hand lotion 护 手霜 day/night/eye cream water toner 紧肤水 lip balm 润唇膏


cantaloupe [ˈkæntəluːp] 哈密瓜
honeydew melon 或者honeymelon [ˈhʌnɪdjuː] 白兰瓜,和哈密瓜很像
avocado [ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ]牛油果
lime [laɪm] 青柠
pomelo [ˈpɒmələʊ] 柚子
papaya [pəˈpaɪə]木瓜
carambola [,kær(ə)m'bəʊlə] 杨桃
pitaya ['pɪtəjə]火龙果,等价于dragon fruit
zucchini [zu’ki:ni] 西葫芦
lettuce [’letis] 生菜;莴苣
spinach 菠菜
chili pepper 辣椒
cilantro [si’læntreu] 香菜,美国
coriander  [ˌkɒriˈændə(r)]香菜,英国
Chinese parsley [’pa:sli]香菜
green onions
chive 韭菜
leek 韭葱
celery [’selri]芹菜
mint [mint] 薄荷
Brussels sprout 布鲁塞尔甘蓝
asparagus [əˈspærəɡəs] n. 芦笋


price tag 价格标签 on sale 打折促销 for sale 在卖 receipt 收据,动词形式是receive 名词形式是reception cashier 收 银员 till 收银处(till有现金出纳机的意思) fitting room或者change room hanger 小衣架 rack 大的架子 discount 打折 promotion 促销 return 退货 echange 换货 final sale 不退不换 XS extra small 非常小 XL extra large 非常大
I’m just looking.
Do you have this in red?
Do you have this in a small?
Can I try it on?
Could you please where is the fitting room?
How is it?
Do you have a smaller size?
Where is the cashier?
Where can I pay?
Here is the receipt.
No bags please.
I’d like to return this.
Do you have the receipt?
Would you like to choose something else?
No, can I have the refund please?
You really got a good deal.
BOGO. Buy one get one free.
Everything is 50 % off for the whole week.
We have a lot of deals on our clothing.
Black Friday
When are you having sales?-We start next Monday.
What is the discount rate?
打几折 We off 20 % off.
Can I get a discount? There is a scratch.
It fits me very well.
She is so fit.她很健康有型


        mediterranean sea 地中海 Black sea 黑海 baltic sea 波罗的海 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 Adriatic sea 亚得里亚海 Croatia 克罗地亚 Athens [ˈæθɪnz] 雅典
Scandinavia [ˌskændɪˈneɪviə]  n. 斯堪的纳维亚
       oceanic climate / marine climate / temperate oceanic climate 都是表示(温带)海洋性气候,比利时、英国、荷兰就是这种。它的特征非常明显:冬天无严寒,夏天无酷暑,一年四季降(precipitation)比较均匀。
        time zone 时区basin 盆地 Sichuan Basin 四川盆地 plain 平原 North China Plain 华北平原 plateau 高原 Yunnan Guizhou Plateau 云贵高原

Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 Syria 叙利亚 Iraq 伊拉克 Iran 伊朗 Israel 以色列 Lebanon 黎巴嫩 Jordan 约旦 Qatar 卡塔尔 Cyprus 塞浦路斯


gum inflammation 牙龈发炎

You have to wear braces. 你必须带牙箍。
brace yourself for something unpleasant or difficult, you prepare youself for it.
brace your shoulder or knees. 绷紧(肩或者膝盖)
支架,leg braces 腿部支架。

scaling and root planing 根面平整术

checkup 体检
dental checkups 牙齿检查

this disease was detected during a routine checkup. 这种疾病是在一次例行体检中心检查出来的。

tartar 牙垢 (a hard yellowish subatance that forms on your teeth and cause them
to decay if it is not removed)

calculus牙结石 (above and below your gumline)
牙结石会release toxins(毒素)that cause gum disease, also known as periontitis

periodontitis (牙周炎)

taken care of by brushing, flossing, or even a regular dental cleaning.

As periodontitis progresses, it can lead to increased inflamaation, bleeding,
receding gums, and ultimately receding bone tissue. Scaling and root planing
can help remove the harmful deposits from your teeth. It must be done in stages.
in stages就是分阶段的意思。

rehabilitation of your gum tissue.牙龈组织的恢复

scaler 刮器

Root Canal Surgery 根管治疗
canal n. 运河;[地理] 水道;[建] 管道;灌溉水渠
general practitioner 全科医生


Ice-cream Flavors 冰淇淋口味

I. Basics Flavors 基本口味

1. Vanilla 香草
2. Chocolate 巧克力
3. Green Tea / Matcha 绿茶 / 抹茶
4. Strawberry 草莓
5. Mango 芒果
6. Lemon 柠檬
7. Coconut 椰子
8. Caramel 焦糖
9. Raspberry 树莓 / 覆盆子
10. Cherries 梅子
11. Mint 薄荷
12. Butter 黄油
13. Cheese 芝士
14. Custard 奶黄
16. Tiramisu 提拉米苏
17. Peanut butter 花生酱
18. Honeydew melon 白兰瓜
19. Hami melon 哈密瓜
20. Taro 香芋

II. Toppings and Mix-ins 添加

21. Chocolate chip 巧克力片
22. Chocolate fudge 巧克力软糖
23. Toffee fudge 太妃糖软糖
24. Cookie dough 饼干面团
25. Nutty 各种坚果
26. Raisin 葡萄干
27. OREO cookies 奥利奥饼干
28. Whipped cream 鲜奶油
29. Chocolate syrup 巧克力糖浆
30. Caramel syrup 焦糖糖浆
31. Rainbow sprinkles 糖屑
32. Chocolate sprinkles 巧克力屑
33. M&M’s M豆
34. Gummy bears 橡皮糖


firefly 萤火虫


astonishing resilience 惊人的韧性

is under siege 被包围

inept 笨拙的,不适当的

get along well with sb. 和某人友好相处

high-handed 强势的,高压的

is committed to 致力于,委身于,以。。。为己任

edifice 大厦,建筑物

oriental 东方人,东方的

vanilla 香草,香草味的

portfolio 系列产品或者服务

Raspberry 树莓

cranberry 蔓越莓

yellow peach 黄桃

carambola/Star Fruit 杨桃,五敛子,五角星的形状

litchi 荔枝
willow 柳树

dragon fruit/ pitaya 火龙果

deceptive 欺骗性的

pomegranate 石榴
hedgehog 刺猬
porcupine 豪猪

mussel 贻贝,和肌肉的发音一样

senate se n. 参议院,上院;(古罗马的)元老院

fireworks 烟花

fireworks display 烟花表演

extensive conversation

take (a lot of/big) hits 遇到麻烦

entity list 实体清单

For the long haul 长期来看

plague the company 折磨,使公司困恼。 plague n. 瘟疫,鼠疫;灾祸,天灾;麻烦事

far ahead of US companies in terms of new technologies

core patents granted by the US government

find fault with our weakness. 找茬,挑剔

value the intellectual property and oppose

the victicm of IP theft

litigation n. 诉讼;起诉

maliciously adv. 有敌意地,恶意地

layoff n. 活动停止期间;临时解雇;操作停止;失业期

I'll be engaged with a client this evening 忙碌于;从事

on hold 暂停

in-house 在机构内部(的), adv,adj

Autonomous car 自动驾驶汽车
Autonomous driving 自动驾驶

automatic transmission 自动挡
manual gear/manual transmission 手动挡

latency n. 潜伏;潜在因素

latency time 延迟时间,[计] 等待时间

waiver n. 弃权,放弃;弃权证书
tuition waiver 学费减免
Waiver Application 豁免申请
Google has applied for a waiver to supply the android OS

be granted a license

efforts pay off 努力取得成效

headwind n. 逆风;顶头风

base stations 基站

router 路由器 饶特

have faith in the law

there is no better alternative

It is symbolic of liberty and strength.

cutting-edge technology 尖端的技术

This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology.


riddle 谜语 v. 在……上弄许多小洞;

riddle with 在…上打许多洞

watch more clips clips剪辑片段

clips 夹子,回形针

unrelenting 不屈不挠的 (华为任正非)

poker face 面无表情的脸

concur vi. 同意;一致;
My political views concur with yours.

lap dog 哈叭狗,膝狗;奉承者

get sth straight 表示“矫正……”,“确认……是不是事实”(make sure sth is true)。多用成 Let me get sth straight 的形态,主要使用在未能理解对方的意思或想要重新确认一下的情形中。

give a pep talk (鼓舞士气的讲话) to boost their morale

survive his ordeal 度过他的劫数。survive the ordeal
ordeal n. 折磨;严酷的考验;痛苦的经验

drone 无人机
live in poverty 生活贫困

give a damn (about) 不在乎。俚语。I don't give a damn等于I don't care

reclaim 拿回,收回,reclaim our future

It has to be our top priority.
middle ground n. 妥协;中间立场
We need to find a middle ground.
fossil fuel 化石能源

I have beeen working on this for 25 years.
we are at a tipping point. tipping point 临界点;引爆点

shrink from this challenge or rise to it. 在这个挑战面前退缩/接收挑战

rise to "to respond adequately to (the demands of something, esp a testing challenge)"
we can do big things. 我们就能成就伟大的事业.

defeat the climate crisis.
upstate 在州最北部地(的),美国英语
if you want to get something done, 如果你想做好一件事
a freshman senator 任期未满一年的议员
freshman n. 新手,生手;大学一年级学生
stand up to 经受住,反抗。
Is this building can stand up to the strong wind?
抵抗,反抗 " If you stand up to someone, especially someone more
powerful than you are, you defend yourself against their attacks or demands."
race up the building 跑上楼
turn his back on her 不理睬她。

slurry n. 泥浆;悬浮液

in due course 在适当的时候; 到一定的时候;

determinant n. 决定因素;行列式;adj. 决定性的

fortuitous adj. 偶然发生的; (尤指) 巧合的;
Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances.

emanate v. 产生; 表现; 显示;

gear up 为…做准备; 为做…做好了准备;

rewind the animation 倒带动画

n. (尤指缝制或陈列服装用的) 人体模型; 仿制品; 仿造物; 笨蛋; 蠢货;
This explained everything so well for a dummy like me!

let me clear up the confusion 让我把这个困惑讲清楚

This video was so amazing and very informative!
utterly different from 完全不同
fall off (从接合处) 脱落,掉落; (程度、数量、规模) 降低,减小;
for the time being 目前,暂时
round-the-Clock 夜以继日的
infamous 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的
abrupt change 突变,陡变
flip over 翻页,翻过来
flip over the mountain 翻过山
foggy adj. 有雾的;模糊的,朦胧的
shut out of 被关在……外面
self-sustainingadj. 自立的;自谋生活的;自撑的
You will be well prepared to take the rest of the courses in the specialization.

when you are first starting out
Civil Engineering 土木工程
pull the trigger 扣动扳机

restore the paiting

nerve-racking 伤脑筋的
bumpy adj. 不平的; 多凸块的; 颠簸的;
tactical 战术上的; 策略上的; 有谋略的; 手段高明的; 善于谋划的; 战术的; 短程的;
nude 裸体的; 裸体者的; 肉色的;
blockbuster 一鸣惊人的事物; (尤指)非常成功的书(或电影) ;
shabby 破旧的; 破烂的
His clothes were old and shabby. 他的衣服又旧又破
adj. (用墙等) 围住的,封闭的; 随函附上的; 附上的; 与外界隔绝的;
v. (用墙、篱笆等) 把…围起来; 围住; 附入; 随函(或包裹等)附上;

self-conscious 难为情的;不自在的
adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的 be conscious of sth.

vt. 藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使落空
n. 挑战, 对抗
adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的
starstruck adj. 崇拜明星的

China should not make any concession


Degeneracy 简并度

is the degeneracy (also called the multiplicity) of state

Reciprocal [rɪ'sɪprək(ə)l]

Be the reciprocal of XXX.


Rules of  thumb 经验法则

As though好像

Normal 法线

Tangent 切线

Power plant发电站

Overall electrical-to-optical conversion efficiency.

Saturation effect at high fluxes.

XX perceived by human eyes.

Xx are elaborated/evaluated

Give future directives.

Several classes of .

Currently available xx.

Xxx, albeit with xxx, xxx. 尽管有

Theoretically possible.

XX can be used as a replacement of

In order to determine whether xxx.

Scale with和xx一致。

It scales with the eye sensitivity curve.

Peaks at 555 nm.

in the order of 按照…的顺序,大约

is in the order of 350 lm/W.

gradually shifts from

photopic vision 亮视觉scotopic vision 暗视觉

bother with 为xx而费心

we will not bother with the complexities of

counteract vt. 抵消,中和,阻碍

A disadvantage is that more complex electronics have to be used to counteract the differential ageing of the current red, green and blue LEDs.


XX, considerable effort has to be put in the design of XX.

Commercially available.

Inherently lower efficiency


adj. 叠加的;叠覆的;上叠的 v. 叠加(superpose的过去分词);叠覆

advisable 明智的

at first glance seems suitable

conjecture n. 推测;猜想

  1. 推测;揣摩
  2. 推测

irreversible degragation

remediate the problem

stringent lifetime requirement.

factual argument

factual 事实的


displacement vector 位移矢量

ubiquitously 无所不在地

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