(2) xrd测晶体类型时,一堆晶体粉末中晶粒是任意取向的,为什么某种晶面还能在特定的θ处产生峰?
Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction
对原子序数小的元素的定位:A remaining challenge is the unambiguous proof for the location of and compositional ratio between the N3− and O2− ions within the first coordination sphere of Eu2+. Usually, single-crystal X-ray diffraction is the most straightforward structure resolving method for such purposes. However, not only are N and O weak X-ray scatterers based on their low atomic number, but also hard to distinguish because they are neighboring elements in the periodic table. In addition, the presence and exact position of Li+ cations in this structure are hard to prove by means of X-ray diffraction and is accompanied by strong disorder effects or split positions in case of mobility. In addition, no indications for a super-structure formation are observable in the X-ray diffraction data of SALON:Eu2+, justifying the assignment of O and N positions in the chosen space group in combination with electrostatic calculations.[8] Nevertheless, short-range anion ordering cannot be handled with such average-structure models. Thus, despite its simplicity, X-ray diffraction is pushed to its limitations for such a specific research question. (来自SALON:Eu2+-AOM)
测试掺杂的Mn离子的基态:可根据Mn 2p核心能级的结合能判定荧光粉中Mn4+/Mn3+/Mn2+;表征的是样品表面1~10 nm深度的信息。但由于锰元素掺杂量很少,其对应的Mn 2p信号弱,且需要对所得XPS谱进行分峰处理,根据分峰结果来定量表征多种价态锰离子的可靠性存疑。[白光LED用Mn⁴⁺激活荧光粉中锰离子价态的表征研究进展]
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is an efficient tool to probe the composition of a material as well as the valence state of inserted ions. This technic allows a precise quantification of the concentration of an element. Nevertheless, the doping concentration of luminescent center is very often below its detection threshold. Moreover, XPS is a surface characterization technique with a probing depth of about 10 nm. Even when the dopant ions are randomly distributed in the material, the investigated volume is not always representative of the bulk. Several groups have performed XPS analysis to characterize samples doped with Ce, Eu, or Mn ions. Due to the typically low concentration of dopants, an absolute quantification of each oxidation state of dopant is, in most cases, not possible. XPS spectra analysis of such sample still provides information such as i) the identification of each el ement inserted in the matrix, ii) the evidence of different oxidation states for a dopant, and iii) the relative ratios of concentrations.
X射线与物质相互作用时,拥有足够能量的光子被吸收,将使得束缚电子发生跃迁。 由于价带和导带底能级受到邻近配位原子的影响,吸收概率随能量的变化而显示出一种精细结构谱,其中包含原子的化学状态信息ꎬ例如价态、配位数、配位原子、键长等。X射线吸收精细结构谱(X-ray absorption fine structure XAFS)分为两个区域:由低能光电子在配位原子做多次散射后再回到吸收原子与出射波发生干涉形成的X射线吸收近边结构(X-ray absorption near edge structure XANES),其特点是强振荡、以及电离光电子被吸收原子周围的配位原子做单次散射回到吸收原子与出射波发生干涉形成的扩展X射线吸收精细结构(Extended X-ray absorption fine structure EXAFS),其特点是振幅不大、似正弦波动。XANES对结合能更敏感,非常适合于价态确定,EXAFS反映分子环境的特性例如配位数、配位离子以及它们之间的距离。XANES技术用于元素价态检测的优点有:适用于具有元素特异性的任何元素浓度灵敏度低(低至 10-6),并且适用于检测包括液体和粉末在内的任何形式的样品。
(1) 白光LED用Mn⁴⁺激活荧光粉中锰离子价态的表征研究进展
(2) Visualizing the valence states of europium ions in Eu-doped BaAl2O4 using X-ray nanoprobe mapping-Journal of Synchrotron Radiation-2022
(3) The determination of dopant ion valence distributions in insulating crystals using XANES measurements—Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter-2016
Ligand-Mediated Control of Dopant Oxidation State and X‑ray Excited Optical Luminescence in Eu-Doped LaOCl[Suppression of Eu2+ Luminescence Loss-AOM-2022]
(1) X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) from phosphors—蔻享
(1) 同步辐射应用基础-邹崇文
(2) 不懂点同步辐射,还怎么做科研?
(3) 【夏令营讲座】国之重器——同步辐射光源-中科院高能所
(4) X射线物理学-邰仁忠-中国科学院上海高等研究院
EPR分析拟合软件:EasySpin program或WINEPR软件。
Eu2+/Eu3+ EPR响应
It is most convenient to detect the change in the valence state of europium ions in various crystal structures by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), because the europium ion in the trivalent state is not a paramagnetic center, and, in the divalent state, it has an uncompensated spin magnetic moment. t. Nag and Kutty associated the absorption lines in the EPR spectrum near g ≈ 2, resulting from the high-energy irradiation of Sr2SiO4:Eu crystal samples, with the reduction of Eu3+ to the divalent state. [Zyuzin A M, Salkin D A. Effect of X-Ray Radiation on the Valence State of Europium in Y2O3: Eu3+ Phosphor[J]. Physics of the Solid State, 2019, 61(10): 1804-1807] $$g=\frac{h \nu}{\beta H}=0.07145 \frac{\nu(\mathrm{G H z})}{H(T)}$$文献中microwave field frequency 为\(\nu=9.2 \mathrm{GHz}\),计算一下就知道图中的峰对应的就是g ≈ 2,即Eu2+的信号。
(1) has a nonmagnetic 7F0 singlet ground state that does not contribute to the ESR spectrum or to the magnetic susceptibility. The 7F1 first excited state has a small thermal population at room temperature and so makes a minor contribution to the susceptibility, but any ESR signal is unobservable owing to strain broadening and fast relaxation. [Infrared femtosecond laser pulse–induced permanent reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+ in a fluorozirconate glass-OL-1999]
(2) The EPR properties of trivalent europium (Eu3+) is relatively little because it is a non-Kramer ion, and its EPR spectrum should be silent because of the short spin-lattice relaxation time. [Quenching of the Eu3+ Luminescence by Cu2+ Ions in the Nanosized Hydroxyapatite Designed for Future Bio-Detection-Nanomaterials-2021]
Eu2+的信号(玻璃):In a glass, the crystal field is quasi-random from one site to the next, and so not a sharp-line spectrum but rather a broad absorption with some sharper features at particular g values is observed. .[Infrared femtosecond laser pulse–induced permanent reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+ in a fluorozirconate glass-OL-1999]
(1) 【EPR】详解EPR图谱的介绍和4种图谱的分析
(2) 荧光粉中激活剂离子掺杂格位分析-发光学报-姬海鹏
(3) 白光LED用Mn⁴⁺激活荧光粉中锰离子价态的表征研究进展
(4) Electron and hole trapping in Eu- or Eu,Hf-doped LuPO4 and YPO4 tracked by EPR and TSL spectroscopy-JMCC-2019
Figure S1. Experimental Q-band (34.000 GHz) EPR spectrum and its simulation for Ba2SiO4:Eu3+ sintered in reducing atmosphere. The powder EPR simulation was performed with the EasySpin libraries in Matlab [S. Stoll and A. Schweiger, J. Magn. Reson., 2006, 178, 42–55] by diagonalization of the spin Hamiltonian: Zetian Yang: , where mB is the Bohr magneton and S=7/2 for Eu2+. A single type of Eu2+ centres is observed with almost perfectly rhombic symmetry (E/D = 1/3). The hyperfine interaction with the central 151/153Eu nucleus (I=5/2 for both isotopes) is not resolved in the spectrum. In order to avoid overparameterization, anisotropy of the g-tensor and higher order Zero-Field Splitting were ignored.
Ti3+ EPR响应
- 文献[Blue long-lasting phosphorescence of Ti-doped BaZrO3 perovskites-JL-2009]没有测到 paramagnetic 的Ti3+的EPR信号,作者认为可能的原因有两个:
(1) coupling of F+ center and Ti3+
(2) short spin-lattice relaxation time may be a reason for no detection of Ti3+ by room temperature ESR measurement.
交流阻抗谱是根据低频下陶瓷材料电机间形成双电层的电容率(\(10^{-7} \sim 10^{-5} \mathrm{~F} \cdot \mathrm{cm}^{-1} \))来判断离子的昌程迁移,但无法探测离子的短程迁移。
(1) 紫外可见分光光度计—PPT
Dynamic light scattering
(1) dynamic-light-scattering — 3p-instruments
(2) Dynamic light scattering — Wiki
(3) Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS): What Is It?
(4) 物理之旅笔记
Circularly Polarized Luminescence & Circular Dichroism
Left circularly polarized light和Right circularly polarized light可以通过改变Linear polarizer的角度(转动90度)得到。
注意:It should be noted that the CD signals of a chiral luminescent system do not ensure the observation of CPL signals. On the contrary, CPL-active materials normally display the Cotton effect. 我的理解应该是,表现出circularly polarized luminescent的发光,一定有圆二色性的特征吸收,但是反过来不一定成立。
【圆二色性】Circular Dichroism (CD) is an absorption spectroscopy method based on the differential absorption of left and right circularly polarized light. 即左旋光的和右旋光的差分吸收。
Instrumentation: Most commercial CD instruments are based on the modulation techniques introduced by Grosjean and Legrand. Light is linearly polarized and passed through a monochromator. The single wavelength light is then passed through a modulating device, usually a photoelastic modulator (PEM), which transforms the linear light to circular polarized light. The incident light on the sample switches between LCP and RCP light. As the incident light swtches direction of polarization the absorption changes and the differention molar absorptivity can be calculated.
Polarized luminescence测试
The diversity of the spectra observed was attributed to a difference in the structure of the rare-earth centers depending on the nature of the charged defect which provides local compensation for the excess charge of RE3+ substituting the Ca2+ ion. A model was proposed for one such center involving compensation of the charge of RE3+ by the oxygen ion, O2-(F-). This model was subsequently confirmed directly in experiments on polarized luminescence and Zeeman splitting in the f-f spectra. [P.P. Feofilov and the Spectroscopy of Activated Crystals]
(1) Circular Dichroism—Libretexts(2) Circularly Polarized Luminescence in Nanoassemblies: Generation, Amplification, and Application
Controlled polarized luminescence of smectic lanthanide complexes
Ellipsometry是一种功能强大的分析工具,用于表征许多材料中的薄膜,包括半导体,介电薄膜,金属和聚合物。 它也称为光谱椭偏仪(SE),它是一种非接触式非破坏性光学技术,可测量与样品相互作用后反射光的偏振变化。 极化的这种变化与材料特性有关。
椭偏法主要用于测量薄膜厚度,折射率(\( n\))和消光系数(\( k\)),但也可以用于研究影响光偏振的其他属性,例如粗糙度,光学各向异性(双折射),晶体性质,组成,光学带隙和热膨胀。 请注意,此技术不会直接测量这些参数。 为了提取有关薄膜的有用信息,构建了一个描述样品光学参数的模型。 然后,拟合未知参数以获得理论响应和实验数据之间的最佳匹配。
- 激发态吸收ESA;
- 双光子吸收(Two-photon absorption,TPA),三阶非线性过程,two photons are nearly simultaneously absorbed by the same molecule;
- 受激发射(Stimulated emission),In this case, the pump beam drives the electron to an excited state. Then the electron emits a photon when exposed to the probe beam. This interaction increases the probe signal at the detector site;
- 基态耗尽(Ground-state depletion,或者Ground-state bleaching),泵浦光束减少了基态电子的数量,吸收的探测光子更少,探测信号在探测器位置增加。
- Cross-phase modulation,补充xxx
(1) Transient Absorption Spectroscopy-Michael Evans-油管视频
(2) Flash Photolysis-Michael Evans-油管视频
(3) Principles of Transient Absorption Spectroscopy-Kamat Lab
(4) 泵浦-探测技术介绍
(3) Pump–Probe Microscopy: Theory, Instrumentation, and Applications
如果以太存在,地球在运动时必然穿行在其中。假定地球绕太阳 转动是把所有以太都拖着一起运动,显然十分荒谬。我们可以通过测量从不同方向射到地球的光速差异,来测出 “以太风" (ether wind)的 速度。迈克耳孙 (Albert A. Michelson) 在莫雷 (Edward Morley,1838-1923) 的协助下完成了按照这种思路设计的一系列实验, 却发现了一个零结果 (null result):光速与发射的方向无关。于是爱因斯坦做出了明确而大胆的推断:光以对任何观测者恒定的速度传播;除了 真空没有任何媒质。
半波损失:半波损失是指波从波疏介质射向波密介质时反射过程中,反射波在离开反射点时的振动方向相对于入射波到达入射点时的振动相反的现象。对于反射光而言,不同的肥皂泡厚度有利于不同波长的光干涉加强,所以肥皂泡呈现各种颜色。注意,上面的公式写错了,应该是\(2 dn=(k+1/2) \lambda \quad k=0,1,2,3 \cdots\),其中\(n\)是薄膜的折射率。
1. 引力波探测的简单说明
MCT探测器:红外光谱仪检测器的一种,用于傅立叶变换型红外光谱仪中。MCT是mercury cadmium telluride的英文缩写。采用Hg-Cd-Te (Hg1−xCdxTe)半导体材料薄膜,又称光电导检测器。吸收辐射后非导电性的价电子跃迁至高能量的导电带,从而降低了半导体的电阻,产生信号。该检测器用于中红外及远红外区,需冷至液氮温度(77K)以降低噪声。这种检测器比热电检测器灵敏,在FT-IR及GC/FT-IR仪器中广泛应用。
1. FTIR Basics – Principles of Infrared Spectroscopy
2. 红外光谱拉曼光谱分不清楚?看这篇文章就够了!
3. 2018年你一定不能错过的史上最全红外知识汇总
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS)
(1) 涨知识!拉曼光谱32个常见问题汇
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
The Photon Counting Histogram in Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy—锡根大学课程
Mössbauer Spectroscopy
(1) Characterization of Luminescent Materials with 151Eu Mössbauer Spectroscopy
(2) 高大上的“穆斯堡尔谱”,你确定不来学习下?
(3) BAM:Eu2+-Mössbauer Spectroscopy
左图:透射电子显微镜获得的Si (110)面的原子像;
右图:Mn2O3沿[1111] (zone axis)的电子衍射花样。
光学多通道分析仪(Optical multichannel analyzer)
(1) 光学多通道分析仪及其应用-物理-1985
Phosphor Handbook中测试有关
Spectral sensitivity correction
由于spectrometer或者light detector在entire spectral range 并没有均一的灵敏度,所以raw data 必须被校准。不同波长的Correction coefficients,通过标准灯来校准。标准灯在不同波长的radiation power是已知的。校准后的光谱 is generated as the product of the correction coefficients and raw spectral data。由于这个correction coefficients can also change over time, periodic calibration of the system is recommended. 当进行非常严格的测试的时候,需要测标准灯的谱图,然后校准。
Baseline correction
我们得到的spectral data通常 are superimposed on a baseline. Baseline来源于系统运行的DC signal。Dark current of the photomultiplier tube, stray light (杂散光), DC bias of electronic component all contribute to the baseline curve. 通过subtracting the baseline to the observed spectral data,我们可以得到true spectral data. 针对baseline中不同的来源可以有不同的校准方法。 The conventional method of correcting the baseline is to substrate the lowest signal data from the complete data. Care must be taken, however, to find the true minimum by observing the entire spectral distribution. Otherwise, small data peaks could be erroneously eliminated by this correction.
光谱或者decay curve 都可能 be distorted if random noise is superimposed on the data. 为了尽量消除这个影响,有两种方式:
- To acquire data repeatedly ad then obtain the arithmetic mean of the total signal. (平均法)
- To estimate the value at a point by taking the average of adjacent data points (the moving average method)
方法1的standard deviation of random noise decrease in proportion to 1/根号N.随着N的增大,the degree of improvement brought about by this averaging, however, becomes smaller as the contribution of each measurement becomes smaller. 方法2,如果N取值很大,但是间隔没有变,那么可能把光谱变broadened, 最终就是is distorted。也可以改进方法2,前面增加权重系数。
Measurements of excitation spectra
入射光相对于样品45度入射。 从长波长开始扫描,scanning from longer wavelengths to shorter wavelengths was found to be effective in prevention of color center formation in the sample. In the EUV region below 100 nm, synchrotron radiation spectroscopy is very useful.同步辐射光谱。
Kubelka-Munk’s theory
Within a phosphor coating, excitation energy is absorbed after multiple scattering by individual particles. The generated luminescent light also comes out of the coating after scattering. Hence, it is impossible to describe the total optical process of absorption, excitation, and emission in a phosphor layer in a rigorously analytical manner, and some approximation must be introduced. 必须进行一定的近似处理才能得到有用的信息。
The scattering coefficient s is, in fact, dominated by particle size and refractive index of the sample. It is not a strong function of the wavelength or the absorption coefficient, so the K-M model considers it a constant. In reality, the scattering coefficient does vary slowly with wavelength. More importantly, it changes significantly with packing density, so care should be taken to pack powdered samples as reproducibly as possible if quantitative results are required. 散射系数确实不怎么随波长变化,但是随packing density 变化明显,所以为了保证定量实验的可重复性,必须特别注意这一点。参考资料
参考资料:Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125(3): 033001
参考资料:Saturation Mechanisms in Common LED Phosphors
- ND filter就是neutral density filter,降低输出光的强度的;
- Top-hat beam shaper,
3. Radiophotoluminescence Imaging Reader for Passive Dosimetry
3. Oxidation of Sm2+ in β-irradiated Sm-doped borosilicate glasses under laser illumination
Laser: Nd-YAG
lf: focusing lens
C: laser powermeter
lc1: fluorescence collecting lens
F: lowpass or supernotch filter for suppression of the scattered laser
lc2: fluorescence focusing lens
OMA-III: Optical Multichannel Analyser
4. Temperature control system for PL
For PL spectra at high temperature, soldering iron, single phase power regulator and programmable temperature controller were set up. The samples were set up on a soldering iron and temperature was controlled from 30 °C to 200 °C by a programmable temperature controller (RKC, PF900) equipped with single phase power regulator (RKC, THV- 1). 参考[The Synthesis and Evaluation of Thermally Stable Eu-doped Silicate Phosphors in White LEDs Application-PHD]
6. Phosphor Thermometry " Preliminary Development of a Phosphor Thermometry System"
7. A novel coupled RPL/OSL system to understand the dynamics of the metastable states