John Ambrose Fleming (约翰·弗莱明):In 1904, working for the Marconi company to improve transatlantic radio reception, Fleming invented the first thermionic vacuum tube, the two-electrode diode, which he called the oscillation valve, for which he received a patent on 16 November. This invention of the vacuum tube is often considered to have been the beginning of electronics. Fleming's diode was used in radio receivers and radars for many decades afterwards, until it was superseded by solid state electronic technology more than 50 years later. He is also known for Fleming's left hand rule and Fleming's right-hand rule.
John C. Slater:美国物理学家,曾在20世纪20年代访问剑桥大学和哥本哈根,跟波尔、海森堡和泡利等人一起工作,之后任教于MIT并于1932年招到博士生William Shockley。